International Journal of

Toxicological and Pharmacological Research

e-ISSN: 0975 5160

p-ISSN: 2820-2651

Peer Review Journal


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  1. An automatic mail will be sent within one hour to your inbox. In case you do not receive the mail even after 24 hours, you can enquire about the problem at and CC to
  2. Manuscript number will be provided after verifying the manuscript manually by editorial board.
  3. After providing manuscript number, it may take from 7-21 days for completion of peer review process.
  4. The decision will be provided as soon as process gets completed
  5. As each of the manuscript is allotted to independent editors and only one editor has information about the manuscript position, therefore queries regarding manuscript decision/delay can be enquired only as a reply to the mail where manuscript number was allotted. It will reach to the relevant editor. If authors are starting new mail for getting status, there are chances their queries may not be answered.


Impact Factor: 2.041

Approved Journal