International Journal of

Toxicological and Pharmacological Research

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Peer Review Journal


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1. Patient Perspectives on Informed Consent for Medical and Surgical Procedures: A Cross-Sectional Study from an Indian Tertiary Care Hospital
Viras C. Patel, Anand K Menat, Vishnugiri Jayantigiri Goswami, Vikram Samadhan Lokhande
Background and Objectives: In the realm of medical practice, informed consent goes beyond a mere signature on a document; it encapsulates the comprehensive process wherein patients are equipped with knowledge pertaining to their illness, diagnostic alternatives, and specifics regarding intervention strategies for their particular condition. In the Indian context, there is a scarcity of studies delving into the landscape of informed consent.  Against this backdrop, the present study was done to assess the levels of awareness and comprehension regarding the contents of informed consent and to scrutinize the patient’s viewpoint concerning the informed consent process within the setting of an Indian tertiary care hospital. Methodology: Employing a cross-sectional survey design, the study targeted patients who had undergone medical or surgical procedures. The patients were randomly selected for participation. Utilizing a pre-structured questionnaire, interviews were conducted with the patients, with 60.5% responding personally. Results: Among the 345 patients surveyed, 69.29% were acquainted with the proposed procedure, while only 33.15% received information about alternative treatments. Approximately 46.19% were informed about the procedure or type of anesthesia, and merely 13.48% were apprised of its potential complications. Intriguingly, in 8% of cases, patients perceived a lack of informed consent despite documentary evidence suggesting otherwise. Conclusion: In clinical practice, informed consent assumes an indisputable role as a protector of patient rights and serves to mitigate the likelihood of legal repercussions for treating physicians in case of complications arising from the prescribed therapy. This study underscores the critical necessity to sensitize healthcare practitioners about the nuances of informed consent.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10968995

2. Prevalence and Presentation of Autoimmune Conditions of Central Nervous System in Bankura, A District Town in West Bengal, India -Recent Scenario
Arup Ghosh, Anjan Debnath, Suvendu Jana, Tunir Haldar, Simran Jha, Purba Haldar
Introduction: The immune system’s inability to distinguish between potentially hazardous antigens and healthy tissue is a defining feature of autoimmune diseases. The present study was conducted to assess the prevalence and presentation of autoimmune condition of Central Nervous System in Bankura City, West Bengal. Material & Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted for a period of one year among 100 patients who visited the department of neurology, Bankura Sammilani Medical College, West Bengal. The demographic characteristics of patients like age, gender, residence etc was noted. The statistical package for social science (SPSS), version 25.0, was used to analyze the data. Results: Out of total 100 patients 41% fell in the age group of above 60 years. Female patients (64%) were higher in number as compared to males (36%). Prevalence of autoimmune conditions seen in patients was Rheumatoid arthritis (33%), Sjogren syndrome (20%), Systemic lupus erythematosus (11%), Polymyalgia rheumatic (8%). Association with age and gender shows significant results (p=0.001). Conclusion: Autoimmune conditions had particular age of onset and prevalence of this disease among females is more as compared to males. Different regions of the country may have different prevalence rates of neurological illnesses due to demographic variety.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969450

3. Study of Increased Prevalence of Refractive Error in Pediatric Age Group at Dr. M.K. Shah Medical College & Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad
Bhumika Shah, Romil Patel, Nishtha Patel, Saurabhkumar Hirani, Prerika Patel
Background and Aim: Vision is critical in a child’s development for learning and communication. Uncorrected refractive error (URE) has become a major issue for health-care policymakers, particularly among school-age children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of refractive error in school students and its associated risk factors over a one-year period at Tertiary Care Teaching Institute of India. Methods and Materials: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence of refractive error and its associated characteristics among school children in selected Gujarat schools. A sample size of 200 was used. Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. M.K.Shah Medical College & Research Centre, Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, organized the current study.  A semi-structured questionnaire was utilised to collect information, and refractive errors were also tested for. SPSS was used to analyse the data. Results: Among the study participants, 8 (4%) were 10 years old, 58 (29%) were 11 years old, 66 (33%) were 12 years old, 56 (28%) were 13 years old, and 12 (6%) were 14 years old. Boys outnumbered girls 55% (110) to 45% (90). The prevalence of refractive error was found to be significantly related to age, parental education and occupation, socioeconomic position, and parental history of refractive error, duration of watching television, and body mass index. Conclusion: Many eye disorders begin in childhood, and the morbidity may go unrecognised, affecting the child’s academic performance and causing significant ocular handicap later in life. As a result, the study emphasises the significant prevalence of undiscovered refractive error in school children, as well as the significance of early detection and treatment with corrective spectacles to arrest the progression of refractive error.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969461

4. Comparison of Epidural Analgesia using 0.25% Bupivacaine and 0.2% Ropivacaine for the Management of Postoperative Pain in Gastrointestinal Surgeries
Pramod Parthasarathy, Triveni M.R., Srinivasa Reddy T.S.
Background: Epidural analgesia, especially thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA), has been used extensively for a wide variety of GI surger­ies. The degree to which the GI tract is affected by regional anes­thesia depends on the type and extent of the block. Epidural analgesia not only enhances post operative recovery, minimizes pain & faster mobilization of the patient but also decreases opioid requirements and reduces postoperative ileus.[1] The favorable physiologic effects on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems by epidural analgesia may serve as yet another reason as to why epi­dural analgesia is a devoted part of ERAS protocols. Local anaesthetic drugs like bupivacaine & ropivacaine have widely been used in epidural anaesthesia in recent era. Aims and Objectives: To compare the efficacy of analgesic effect of epidural 0.25% bupivacaine and 0.2% ropivacaine in patients who have undergone gastrointestinal surgeries in the postoperative period. Methods: A total of 60 adult patients of either sex of ASA physical status I and II, aged 20-60 years, undergoing gastrointestinal surgeries were enrolled into the study. Patients were randomly divided into two groups of 30 each: Group B-received 10 cc of 0.25% Bupivacaine as epidural dose & Group R-received 10 cc of 0.2% Ropivacaine as epidural dose in the postoperative period. Onset of pain relief, duration of analgesia & requirement of rescue analgesia using epidural  bolus as top up doses were noted. Incidence of motor blockade, VAS scores, hemodynamic parameters & adverse events were also noted. Result: Time of onset of sensory analgesia (Group B 12.12±2.10 in mins. vs. Group R 11.74±1.55 in mins. P value:0.55) and duration of sensory analgesia (Group B 175.55±23.18 in mins. vs. Group R 170.42±20.25 in mins. P value:0.61) were comparable between both the groups. Total epidural dose requirement (Group B 34.22±3.22 in ml vs. Group R 32.20±2.40 in ml P value: 0.18) and the mean number of epidural top-up doses(Group B 4.45±0.35  vs Group R 4.00±0.25 P value: 0.24)  required for epidural analgesia in the first 12 h of postoperative period between Group B and Group R were comparable and statistically not significant. Six patients (20%) in Group B showed motor blockade of Bromage-I whereas no incidence of motor blockade was reported in Group R. Postoperative hemodynamic parameters and VAS scores were comparable between the two groups for the first 12 hours of postoperative period. The observed side effects included bradycardia, nausea and vomiting, and shivering were comparable between the two groups. However, incidence of hypotension was slightly higher in Group B compared to Group R (26.6% vs 13.3%). Conclusion: 0.2% Ropivacaine as local anaesthetic is a suitable alternative drug to 0.25% Bupivacaine for epidural analgesia in patients who have undergone gastrointestinal surgical procedures in the postoperative period as it not only provides good quality analgesia but also enhances early mobilisation and postoperative recovery of the patients.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969472

5. A Study to Compare the Anti Inflammatory Activity of Cissus Quadrangularis with Sterile Normal Saline and Diclofenac Sodium in Male Wistar Albino Rats
Praneetha Banavatu, Roopa Bagurubilli, Veeraiah Dakkumalla, T Jaya Chandra
Introduction: Several anti-inflammatory (AnI) agents are available in the market but side effects during the clinical usage is the major limitation of these. Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) contain many pharmacological properties. Currents study was taken to assess the AnI activity of CQ in male wister albino rats. Methods: It was a prospective research conducted in the department of Pharmacology, Dr Pinnamaneni Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation between October 2014 and 2016. Male wistar albino rats weighing about 250-300gm were included. Animals were divided in to test, standard and control groups, sterile normal saline, diclofenac sodium and TC were admisntered, respectively; 6 animals each, respectively. CQ was studied at different concentration, 19.95mg/kg, 25.69mg/kg and 33.25mg/kg in the test group on the paw volume, categorized in to 1A, 1B and 1C, respectively and 6 animals in each category. Sterile normal saline and diclofenac to the control and standard groups, respectively. The animals were maintained in well ventilated animal house with light and dark cycle, 12 hours each. Plethysmograph was used to measure different parameters of the animal. Descriptive statistics such as ANOVA, Dunnett’s test, Tukey post hoc test were used for the data analysis; P <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: The herbal medicament, CQ showed significant reduction in the paw volume of rat. When the test group was compared with the control and standard, there was a significant reduction in the paw volume. Conclusions:  In the animal models also CQ exhibited AnI activity. Studies on large samples with different animal models is recommended.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969489

6. Data Analysis on Risk Factors and Fetomaternal Outcome in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Urmi R Parekh, Harshdeep K Jadeja, Bhavesh B Airao, Hemal Sarvaiya
Objectives: To determine fetomaternal outcome in patients with Gestational diabetes mellitus and identify risk factors associated with it. Material and Methods: It is a retrospective study of GDM patients who delivered at C.U. Shah medical college over a period of 5 years (January 2018 to December 2022). Only 50 patients fulfilled the criteria. Their detailed data was obtained from the department. Women who had documented evidence of DM prior to pregnancy, irrespective of whether on treatment or not, were excluded from the study. Results: Gestational diabetes mellitus was found to be higher in age group of 31-35 years with increased parity. It was observed that there was increased incidence of delivery by cesarean section. Polyhydramnios and preeclampsia in association with Gestational diabetes mellitus had been found to complicate the course of pregnancy and has adverse effect on fetomaternal outcome. Conclusion: We cannot prevent GDM but appropriate and timely screening is required to maintain good glycemic control. Universal screening and a proper team approach of dialectologist, obstetrician and neonatologist can reduce neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality associated with GDM.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969512

7. A Retrospective Observational Study to Assess the Clinical Spectrum of Benign Breast Diseases in BMC Sagar
Akhilesh Ratnakar, Sunil Kumar Saxena, Jitendra Singh Dangi, Aditi Kumari
Introduction: Benign Breast Disease is a very prevalent condition. It comprises of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the breast, Mondor’s Disease, Fibroadenomas, Fibrocystic Disease, Intraductal Papillomas, Nipple Inversion, Cyclical Mastalgia, Involution, Sclerosing Adenosis, Duct Ectasia and Atypical Ductal or Lobular Hyperplasia. The magnitude is rising day by day. Objective: To study the clinical spectrum of Benign Breast Diseases in patients presenting to Surgery OPD in BMC Sagar. Methods: A total of 90 females more than 15 years of age with Benign Breast Diseases and undergoing USG and FNAC for the same, presenting to Surgery OPD were recruited for study from January to June 2023. OPD records were segregated and compiled. The prevalence and the clinical spectrum of various benign breast diseases were determined at our institute. Results: In 90 subjects enrolled, the most common benign breast disease identified was Fibroadenoma (56.7%) followed by Fibrocystic Disease (10%) and Breast Abscess (7.7%). The least common presentation was that of mycotic infections, involution, macrocysts and radial scars (each 0%).  Conclusion: Epidemiology of Benign Breast Diseases show large interregional variability. Knowledge of spectrum of Benign Breast Diseases and their prevalence is indispensable for the preventive strategies to be structured and encouragement of Breast self-examination to be started early in the concerned population.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969534

8. Effect of Alcohol Intake on Liver Function Tests
Reena Rani, Anupam Kumar Singh
Alcohol consumption has been steadily increasing all over world, especially in India. Alcohol can cause physical, mental and social effects which is determined by quantity and pattern of alcohol drinking. All organs can be damaged due to direct effects of alcohol, especially the digestive and nervous systems. At the level of digestive system, alcohol causes gastrointestinal problems, cirrhosis of liver, pancreatitis and cancer of mouth, pharynx and oesophagus. The present study aims to compare the values of Liver function test, LFT parameters in a group of chronic alcoholics and a matched controlled group (non-alcoholics). SGOT levels were more in alcoholic subjects as compared to control subjects and this difference was statistically highly significant. SGPT levels were significantly higher in alcoholic subjects as compared to control group subjects. Total bilirubin direct bilirubin, was more in alcoholic subjects as compared to control subjects and this difference was statistically highly significant. Total protein, albumin was low in alcoholic subjects as compared to control subjects. The present study clearly establishes that alcohol has direct effect on the physiological functioning of the liver which is proved by alteration in liver function tests.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969558

9. Prevalance and Distribution of Ocular Morbidities among High School Going Children in Chandrapur
Namrata S. Loya, Niwrutti Jiwane, Avinash Tekade, Yogesh Gupta
Background: Healthy vision plays an important role in academic success. School children are affected by various eye disorders like refractive errors, squint, Vitamin A deficiency and eye infections. Most children do not complain of defective vision, as they may not recognize such conditions as a problem. Uncorrected refractive errors form the primary cause for visual impairment and blindness in India. This warrants early detection and treatment of these problems to prevent future blindness. Aims: The study was conducted to estimate the prevalence and distribution of ocular morbidities among high school going children in Chandrapur and to create ‘eye-health awareness’ among them. Method: This was a cross-sectional study of school children of two schools in Chandrapur city. The students were screened for eye disorders by visual acuity testing, anterior segment torch light examination and eye movements. Results: A total of 450 children were examined. The prevalence of ocular morbidity was 45%. Uncorrected refractive error was commonest morbid condition (27%) and Vitamin A deficiency was the second common morbidity (7%). Conclusion: Regular eye screening programmes play a pivotal role in identification of ocular morbidities among high school going children. Hence, prompt and timely treatment can prevent future complications and childhood blindness. The eye health awareness among children, their parents and school teachers should be improved.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969568

10. Assessment of Patient-Reported Outcomes after Hip Resurfacing Surgery: A Prospective Study
Prafulla Borkar, Kunal Saoji, Vasant Gawande
Hip arthritis stands as a widespread and debilitating musculoskeletal condition, causing progressive cartilage degradation, pain, and restricted hip joint function. Such limitations drastically impact individuals’ quality of life, leading to reduced mobility and increased dependency. Hip resurfacing surgery has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional total hip replacement (THR), particularly for younger and more active patient cohorts. While THR historically addressed end-stage hip arthritis, concerns regarding implant longevity and activity limitations in younger patients prompted the exploration of alternative interventions. Hip resurfacing surgery, conserving more natural bone compared to THR, involves the removal of damaged cartilage and minimal femoral head bone, replaced by a metal cap, while resurfacing the acetabulum with a metal component. Patient selection is pivotal, considering factors like age, bone quality, and joint damage extent. This prospective cohort study evaluates patient-reported outcomes post-hip resurfacing in 150 participants, demonstrating a significant increase in Harris Hip Score (HHS) from 48.7 to 89.4 and EQ-5D scores from 0.45 to 0.78 post-surgery. While 85% reported satisfaction, 6.7% faced discomfort. Complications, observed in 8%, included rare dislocations but no implant failures or revisions occurred within the 24-month follow-up. The study underscores hip resurfacing surgery’s efficacy in enhancing patient outcomes, hinting at its potential as an alternative to THR. However, ongoing vigilance and comprehensive long-term research are essential for refining its application and evaluating its lasting effects.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969598

11. Navigating the Therapeutic Landscape: Unveiling the Efficiency and Safety of Oral Tofacitinib in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prafulla Borkar, Kunal Saoji, Vasant Gawande
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) looms large as a formidable adversary within the intricate landscape of autoimmune disorders, casting its shadow over millions of individuals worldwide. The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis transcends geographic boundaries, affecting diverse populations with varying genetic predispositions and environmental factors. Understanding the nuances of patient-specific factors that may influence treatment outcomes is crucial in tailoring therapeutic approaches. The results of this study highlight the efficacy of oral tofacitinib in reducing disease activity, improving functional status, and inhibiting joint damage progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969649

12. Clinicopathological Profile of Head and Neck Cancers at Tertiary Care Centre of Gujarat
Pramod T Kharadi, Viral G Prajapati, Hitesh Satapara
Background and Aim: Understanding the regional patterns of cancer is crucial for identifying the most pressing areas for cancer prevention and treatment on a global scale. Our study aims to gather comprehensive data on the demographics, subsite distribution, histologic differentiation, and treatment received, and other pertinent characteristics of patients diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Our study also seeks to understand the results of managing head and neck cancer in a specialized healthcare facility. Material and Methods: A study was conducted at the Tertiary Care Teaching Institute of India for a period of one year. Information on age, gender, risk factors, clinical features, grading, staging, treatment received, and presenting symptoms during follow-up were collected and analysed statistically. A thorough and comprehensive history was obtained, covering presenting complaints, past medical history, family history, and personal history. Special attention was given to personal habits such as tobacco and alcohol consumption. The patients were monitored for a period of 6 months after they finished their treatment. Results: Final analysis included a total of 80 subjects. A significant number of cases were observed in individuals aged 61 to 70. Our study found that the majority of patients were male, with only 25% being female. The study found that dysphagia was the most frequently reported symptom, accounting for 40% of cases. Ulcerative lesions were the second most common complaint, reported in 20% of cases, followed by neck swelling, which was observed in 17.5% of cases. It was noted that a significant majority of the cases, 76% to be precise, had habits of smoking, alcohol consumption, and tobacco chewing.  The oropharynx was the most frequently affected area, accounting for 20% of cases, closely followed by the hypopharynx and the larynx, both at 17.5%. Conclusion: Based on the study findings, it is evident that factors such as older age group, smoking, alcohol consumption, and tobacco chewing play a significant role in increasing the risk of head and neck cancers. The study also revealed positive outcomes and minimal side effects in patients who had received chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgeries during their treatment. By implementing thorough screening, promptly identifying the disease, and ensuring adherence to treatment, we can enhance the chances of survival for individuals with head and neck cancer.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969655

13. Congenital Elongated Cervix – A Rare Case Report from a Tertiary Medical Hospital, Burdwan
Arpita Pramanik, Manojit Sarkar
The normal length of an adult non-pregnant cervix is about 2.5 cm to 3.0 cm. Isolated cervical descent with a normally positioned uterus is found in the case of true cervical elongation, which is a form of congenital elongation of the cervix and is a rare presentation in adolescence and young women. We report a case of a 2 days old newborn girl baby with congenital elongated cervix delivered vaginally, uneventfully, of a 21 year’s old primi mother.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969669

14. Multidrug Resistance among Penicillin Resistant Pneumococcus Isolated from Respiratory Specimens
Gupta Kanchan, Agrawal Ruchi, Shah Mitesh, Misra Vaibhav
Introduction: Diseases caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae are the cause of global concern. S. pneumoniae is common causative agent of pneumonia, bacteremia and meningitis which lead to morbidity and mortality, even after being treated in hospital. S. pneumoniae shows resistance for multiple antimicrobial drugs as penicillin, clindamycin, erythromycin, clarithromycin, tetracycline, chloroamphenicol, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. Present study is conducted to find distribution of multidrug resistance among penicillin resistant pneumococci isolated from respiratory specimen. Aims & Objectives: To find distribution of multidrug resistance among penicillin resistant pneumococcal strains isolated from respiratory specimen with age distribution. Material & Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Microbiology Gajra Raja Medical College, Gwalior (M.P.) for a period of one year. Respiratory samples were collected from patients of all age groups suffering from lower respiratory tract infection and identification of pneumococci was done. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing done. Penicillin resistance and resistance for other antimicrobial drugs was screened. Data was statistically analyzed by odds ratio, p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result: Pneumococci isolated maximum from patients under 5 years and >50 years age group. 24 isolates (48%) showed penicillin resistance. Among other antimicrobial drugs resistance was maximum for erythromycin (46%) followed by tetracycline (38%), cotrimoxazole (36%), cefotaxime (30%) and ciprofloxacin (14%). Statistically significant correlation between penicillin resistance and multidrug resistance among S. pneumoniae isolates [odds ratio 3.31, 95% confidence interval, (CI) 1.02-10.72, p value 0.045 (i.e. p<0.05)]. Conclusion: Pneumococci can cause disease at any age though more frequently at extremes of age. Multidrug resistance is common among the penicillin resistant pneumococcal isolates. Antimicrobial-susceptibility testing must be done for pneumococcal isolates.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969760

15. A Study to Evaluate Effectiveness of Role Play as A Teaching Learning Method for Communication Skills among Phase II Undergraduate Medical Students
Priyanka Kumawat, Rajendra Sharma, Gunja Jain, Seema Jawalekar
Introduction: Good communication skill is directly linked with positive outcomes in all the aspects of patient care. With the introduction of new curriculum in CBME there is inclusion of AETCOM module as well as competencies related to communication skills “Role play” is widely used as a teaching learning method to develop communication skills to enhance cognition, psychomotor skills, and affective domains in learners. The present study was undertaken to determine the perceptions of Phase II undergraduates about the use of role play as educational tool for communication skills. Methodology: It was a prospective; questionnaire based observational study done in department of Pharmacology on 100 2nd phase MBBS students. In which two competencies were finalized by the subject experts, from communication topic in pharmacology for role play session. The students were divided in two groups of 50 each and it further divided in 5 subgroups having 10 students in each subgroup to perform role play. Group I acted role play for one competency and Group II performed as observer for second session a crossover was done with 2nd communication competency. A pre and posttest in the form of MCQ was taken before and after role play respectively. At the end of the role play student and faculty feedback were taken by prevalidated questionnaire contain both close-ended (using 5-point Likert scale) and open-ended questions to know their perceptions for role play in Pharmacology as a tool for communication skills. Overall faculty and students’ perception was also taken on VAS. Results: The results showed that students preferred role play as the preferred instructional tool to teach communication skills. Pre and post test score comparison showed significant improvement with p<0.001. Impression of actor students was that 98% agreed or strongly agreed that role play assisted them in learning communication skills, and almost all (99%) enjoyed the simulation.  87% thought simulation covered critical content necessary for the mastery of medical curriculum. 91% considered that they understood how to use simulation activities to learn critical aspects of these skills. The overall acceptance of role play on Likert scale by actor students was around 8.0 on a scale of 0 to 10. The impression of the observer group students via Kalamazoo scale about the roleplay was that 91% agreed or strongly agreed that role play helped in learning communication skills to establish the relation among patients, 90% felt that it improves ability to communicate accurate information to patients. The students response for open ended questions was like “It was a very efficient way of learning; it was easy and fun filled experience to get knowledge.” 100% of faculty agreed to strongly perceived that role play helped teaching communication skills with more objectivity Conclusion: Almost all the students and faculty felt that role play can be used as an effective tool to improve the communication skills and it should be started at the foundation level. Besides the communication skills, knowledge was also enhanced and It imparts the good doctor patient relationship. This would help in achieving one of the IMG goals, to be a physician of the first contact with good communication skills.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969769

16. Comparison of Recovery Characteristics by Using Low Dose Bupivacaine 10 mg and Injection 2- Chloroprocaine 40 mg for Spinal Anaesthesia in Short Duration Surgeries
Bhoomika G Chaudhari, Mitali K Ahir, Dhavalkumar C Patel, Sunaina Patel
Introduction: An ideal local anaesthetic should have quick onset, reliable sensory and dense motor block and at the same time quick sensory and motor regression so that patient can ambulate and discharged early for day care surgery. Method: Patients posted for short duration surgeries (1 to 1.5 hours) with day care procedure under ASA physical status I to III without any contraindication to spinal anaesthesia and allergy to local anesthetic agents were included in study. Patients in group A had received Inj. Bupivacaine 0.5% 10 mg (2 ml+0.5 ml sterile normal saline and group B had received Inj. Chloroprocaine 1 % 40 mg. (4 ml). Sensory and motor block between two groups in terms of duration and their regression, as well as time to micturition and time to assisted ambulation were compared between two groups. Result: There was significant difference between both the groups in time for regression to L1 and S2 level. Group B had earlier regression of sensory blockage at L1 which was 96.46±31.18 min compared to bupivacaine group A which was 113.33 ±30.7 min (P<0.0001). Total duration for regression of   Bromage score 0 was 133.3±34.02 min in bupivacaine group whereas 109.96±33.52 min in chlorprocaine group (P<0.0001). When compared time for assisted ambulation it was 148.33±40.15 min in bupivacaine group compared to 121.23±39.46 min in chlorprocaine group (P<0.0001). Conclusion: From this study we observed that for short duration surgeries, intrathecal 2- chloroprocaine 40 mg shows faster regression in terms of sensory/motor blockade; earlier assisted ambulation and ability to micturate compared to Bupivacaine 10 mg without causing any significant hemodynamic compromise.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969782

17. A Retrospective Observational Study to Compare the Effect of Low-Pressure Versus Standard-Pressure pneumoperitoneum in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies Performed at BMC Sagar
Akhilesh Ratnakar, Sunil Kumar Saxena, Jitendra Singh Dangi, Lav Gupta, Aditi Kumari, Hemal Vithani
Introduction: Laparoscopy, owing to its minimally invasive nature, has become the standard of treatment for cholelithiasis. It decreases post-operative pain, morbidity and length of hospital stay. Objective: Our aim in this study is to assess whether low pressure in laparoscopic surgeries (7 mm Hg instead of 12 mm Hg) would have added benefit of reduced post-operative use of analgesia and morbidity, subsequently, shorter hospital stay. Methods: A total of 80 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were studied and divided into low-pressure group (7 mm Hg) and standard-pressure (12 mm Hg) group. The outcomes were measured as primary and secondary. Primary included length of hospital stay whereas secondary compared post-operative pain, amount of analgesia required, day on which bowel sounds heard and time to ambulation. Results: Out of 80 subjects enrolled, 36 were males and 44females. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using low pressure for pneumoperitoneum yielded no mortality and no significant difference in surgical complication or conversion to open surgery. On the other hand, it resulted in better outcome in terms of need for analgesia, reduced period of ileus and early ambulation. Conclusion: Low pressure pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic cholecystectomies has an edge over standard pressure since cardiovascular and respiratory physiology is comparatively less affected. Thus, it may emerge as a better alternative to improve patient outcome.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969960

18. A Double Blind Comparative Study of Efficacy and Safety of Intra-lesional Triamcinolone Alone versus Intra-lesional 5-Fluorouracil and Triamcinolone Combination in Treatment of Keloids in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Veena V, Shakuntala B, Anusha P H, Muralikrishna V, Sameena A R B
Introduction:  Keloids are benign dermal collagen and fibro-proliferative growths. They are a variant of wound healing and are prone to recur. Though there are a variety of treatment options for keloids, no standardized treatment is available. Intra-lesional steroid is the commonest treatment modality in use. 5-Fluorouracil, a cytotoxic drug in combination with steroid relieves symptoms of keloids. Hence the study was planned. Objectives: To compare early improvement, efficacy, response and safety of Triamcinolone alone with 5-Fluorouracil and Triamcinolone combination in keloids treatment. Materials and Methods:  An open labelled randomized comparative study was conducted. 60 patients with keloids, were randomly divided into 2 groups of 30 each. Group A patients were given intra-lesional Triamcinolone 1ml (40mg/ml) and Group B patients were given a combination of 5-Fluorouracil 0.9ml (50mg/ml) and Triamcinolone 0.1ml (40mg/ml) intra-lesionally, weekly once for 4 weeks, later fortnightly once for 6 weeks. Follow- up was done till 12 wks. Efficacy was assessed by noting the shrinkage of keloid (volume), improvement in vascularity, pigmentation, pain and itch score. Safety was assessed by adverse effects experienced by the patients. Data was collected, statistical analysis done and results were compiled. Result: Group B patients showed better improvement than Group A patients in terms of lesion shrinkage (78.69%, 48.72%), vascularity (77.5%, 36.84%), pigmentation (43.75%, 30.3%), itch relief (87.8%,53.09%) & pain relief (87.84%,54.05%). There was statistical significance (p < 0.002) between the groups in all parameters except pigmentation. Pain at the injection site was experienced by all patients in both groups (100%) and local burning sensation by 3 patients in Group A (10%) compared to 1 patient (3.33%) in Group B. Hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation were seen in 3.33% patients in Group A and Group B respectively. Good to excellent response was seen in >50% patients in both the groups except for keloid volume which was fair to good in 75% Group A patients. Response to treatment with regard to all parameters was much better in Group B than in Group A. Conclusion:  Combination of 5-Fluorouracil and Triamcinolone has early onset of action, is more effective and safer than Triamcinolone alone to treat keloids.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969966

19. Ligature Mark in Deaths Due To Hanging –Retrospective Study
Rohit Raj Singh, Prabhat Kumar, Nishant Purbey, Dharmendra Kumar, Kaushal Kishore, Bijay Kumar Prasad
Background and Objective: Hanging is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world accounting for more than a million deaths annually. The hanging deaths are one of the most important asphyxial types of death which are encountered in day to day life by forensic pathologists. Ligature mark in the neck is the principal external sign in hanging depending on body suspension from ligature point. Material and Methods: This Retrospective study was conducted at the Department of Forensic Medicine, SKMCH Muzaffarpur and Other Medical College to assess the information provided by a ligature mark in deaths due to hanging. Conclusion: We found that typical hanging is seen in 50 cases and atypical hanging in 225 cases. Partial hanging is seen in 73.09% deaths and complete hanging in 26.9% deaths. Ligature mark was obliquely placed in 91.3% cases and was found to be running above thyroid cartilage in 80.7% cases. Single ligature mark with a breadth of 1-2cms is observed in the maximum number of cases. In 93% of the incidents, ligature mark showed discontinuity. The colour of ligature mark was reddish-brown in 46.9% cases.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10969975

20. Pattern of Fatal Injury in Driver and Pillian Rider in Two Wheeler Accidents in Bihar
Prabhat Kumar, Rohit Raj Singh, Ravi Kumar Sharma, Dharmendra Kumar, Kaushal Kishore, Bijay Kumar Prasad
Background and Objectives: Two-wheelers accounted for the highest share in total road crashes (1,62,280), contributing 33.8%, followed by cars, jeeps and taxis (1,13,267) contributing 23.6% and trucks, tempos, tractors and other articulated vehicles (1,01,085) contributing 21.0% and buses (37,487) contributing 7.8% to total road crash fatalities. ‘New Birth’ is rejoiced as a happy occasion and loss of a family member in the form of ‘death’ is mourned. To study the pattern of fatal injuries by two wheeler accidents. To compare the pattern of injuries sustained by two wheeler riders wearing the helmet and without helmet. To study the relationship between two wheeler accidents and various factors like age, sex, weight, height, time of incidence etc. and type of other vehicles involved. Materials and Methods: Study is to be conducted on dead bodies received for medico legal autopsy at mortuary of Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, AIIMS, Patna and Other medical College, Bihar. Study Duration of Two Years. Conclusion: None of the victims who were wearing helmet of standard quality (ISI) had spot death. Spot death was seen in victim who had head injury with or without any other injury. And, ISI helmet definitely protects from head injury. 2-7 days was critical in significant number of cases for both groups wearing 1ST helmet and Non-ISI helmet.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970008

21. A Study of Impact of Losartan on Serum Uric Acid Levels in Essential Hypertension
Afreen Fatima, Ahemadi Firdous Nikhat
Background: There is a strong correlation between hypertension and elevated levels of uric acid, contributing to the onset of cardiovascular disease. The impact of angiotensin II AT-1 receptor antagonists on uric acid metabolism, along with potential variations in this effect among them, is yet to be conclusively determined. This study was structured to assess and compare the effects of losartan on uric acid metabolism in individuals experiencing mild to moderate essential hypertension. Methods: This cross-sectional interventional study focused on newly diagnosed stage 1 and stage 2 essential hypertension patients with elevated serum uric acid levels. Conducted at the Non-Communicable Disease outpatient department, clinical assessments, and baseline investigations, including serum uric acid, blood urea, serum creatinine, random blood sugar, and serum cholesterol, were performed upon enrollment. Demographic data were recorded, and blood pressure measurements were taken after 10 minutes of rest in a seated position. Results: Losartan therapy appears to be effective in improving blood pressure control in patients with essential hypertension. We saw a reduction in the number of patients in higher stages (Stages 2 and 1) and an increase in those categorized as Prehypertension or even returning to the normal range. This suggests successful blood pressure lowering over the 6-month follow-up period. Losartan therapy has been shown to have a positive effect on reducing serum uric acid levels in patients with essential hypertension. The gradual decrease observed over 6 months suggests a sustained benefit of the medication in managing uric acid levels. Conclusion: The current study concluded that losartan effectively lowered blood pressure over 6 months, showing a significant decrease in both systolic and diastolic values. Additionally, there was a statistically significant reduction in serum uric acid levels with losartan treatment. This reduction in uric acid is noteworthy, as it is independent of blood pressure reduction, emphasizing that losartan possesses uric acid-lowering effects beyond its significant impact on blood pressure.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970013

22. A Cross-Sectional Autopsy Study of Pyogenic Meningitis in Cases of Fatal Head Trauma
Soma Dash, Sasmita Khatua, Geeta Sahu, Suvendu Kumar Panda, Bhabani Patnaik, Sourav Parida, Pratyush Mishra
Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and meningitis are serious complications with high mortality rates. Little is known about the specific factors influencing mortality in patients with both conditions. Objectives: To study autopsy findings, survival time, isolate and study microscopic finding of meningitis in fatal head trauma cases. Methods: This cross-sectional autopsy study included 118 deceased patients with TBI and meningitis who underwent medico-legal autopsies between January 2021 and August 2022. Data were collected on socio-demographic characteristics, type of injury, skull fracture type, CSF findings, organisms isolated from CSF culture, and survival time. Results: Male gender, young age (20-39 years), Hindu religion, road traffic accidents as the injury cause, linear skull fractures, bloody or turbid CSF appearance, increased cell count and protein, and decreased glucose in CSF analysis were independent predictors of mortality. Streptococcus pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenza were the most commonly isolated organisms. Median survival time was short, at only 5 days. Conclusion: This study highlights the alarmingly high mortality rate and its association with specific socio-demographic and clinical factors in patients with TBI and meningitis. Early diagnosis, comprehensive intervention, and targeted approaches based on risk factors are crucial to improve survival and outcomes in these vulnerable patients.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970212

23. Pulsed Oral Azithromycin Therapy for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: A Prospective Clinical Study
Dasari Gayatri, Syam Kumar Addepalli, Yamalakonda Veerendra Goud, Chippada Tejaswi, Satyavaraprasad Chavali
Introduction: Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) affects a substantial portion of the population, necessitating interventions beyond conservative measures. Tetracyclines, although effective, pose adverse effects. Previous trials suggest comparable outcomes for a 5-day pulsed oral azithromycin course and prolonged oral doxycycline in managing MGD. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of oral azithromycin in an Indian population. Material and Methods: Conducted at Gitam Institute of Medical Sciences and Research from January to December 2023, this study enrolled 35 MGD patients (20 females, 15 males). Comprehensive three-month treatment regimens, including pulsed oral azithromycin (5 days), warm compresses, and lid massage and topical lubricants and azithromycin, were administered. Assessments included symptom relief, meibomian gland functionality, TBUT, lid margins, ocular staining and ocular inflammation. Results: Post-treatment, majority experienced symptom relief, 80% with improved gland expressibility, 90% improved lid margins, with increase average TBUT and reduced ocular unflammation. Statistical analysis revealed significant improvements (p < 0.05) in symptoms, gland expressibility, gland pore opening, and other parameters. Conclusion: This study validates the efficacy of short pulsed doses of oral azithromycin in alleviating MGD symptoms. This approach demonstrates potential advantages over prolonged doxycycline use, offering a short term patient-friendly and economically viable alternative. Larger studies are warranted to refine MGD management strategies in the Indian population.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970224

24. Study of Clinical Response between Treatment of Keloids with Intralesional Injection of Bleomycin plus Triamcinolone Acetonide versus Intralesional Cryotherapy plus Triamcinolone Acetonide
Manohari Tushar, Pati Sandhyarani, Subudhi S Jaganath, Rout Kumar Suresh, Ram Kumar Manoj, Mohanty Prasenjeet, Bisoyi Diptiranjani, Mohanty Jayashree
Introduction: Keloids are an unusual pathological reaction to skin damage in which the tissue of the wound expands excessively beyond the initial cause of the lesion. These are benign non-cancerous fibro proliferative skin growths that occur when there is an excessive development of bigger, thicker, and more irregularly arranged collagen near the site of a previous skin injury. Frequent factors encompass surgical procedures, immunisation, thermal injuries, ear piercing, and acne. Bleomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic commonly employed as an anti-cancer medication. It triggers programmed cell death in endothelial cells and hampers the production of collagen by blocking the lysyl-oxidase enzyme and TGFβ. In 1996, Bodokh and Brun were the first to utilise it in the treatment of keloids. The medications can have a synergistic impact when administered together. Objectives: (1) To compare the efficacy of both the procedures. (2) To achieve minimum recurrence and side effects. Methodology: After obtaining ethical clearance and written informed consent, this study was done among 50 patients with keloid/s, both male and female attending the dermatology OPD in a tertiary health care centre and not received any kind of treatment or intervention before commencement of this study. Skin test with lignocaine was done using 0.1ml of 2% lignocaine solution to see for any hypersensitivity in both the groups. After surgical cleaning of the site, 2% lignocaine was administered as field block in both the groups. Results: In our study the prevalence of keloids was found to be more among males as compared to females. The majority of keloids were seen in the 16 to 35 years of age group in our study. About 56% patients had keloids of <5 year Duration. Family history of keloid was present in 10% of Patients. Pruritus was the most common presenting symptoms seen in 74% cases, followed by cosmetic and pain. In Group A pain was the most common early side effect, But in Group B all other early side effects like ulceration, bulla formation and secondary infection was more common. Delayed Side effects like hyperpigmentation, atrophy and telamgiectasia were slightly common in Group A as compared to Group B probably because of more no of steroid doses. But hypopigmentation was common in Group B. Conclusion: Our study concludes that combination therapies should be the preferred modalities of treatment in keloids rather than monotherapies. Both the treatment options showed promising result. Tramcinolone plus Bleomycin was found to be slightly better in terms of efficacy as compared to crytherapy plus tramcinolone.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970238

25. A Retrospective Observational Study to Compare the Efficacy between Dorsal Slit Technique and Sleeve Technique for Circumcision Performed At BMC Sagar
Sunil Kumar Saxena, Akhilesh Ratnakar, Jitendra Singh Dangi, Ajit Singh Morey
Introduction: Circumcision is the commonly performed surgical procedure. It can be done via several techniques. Dorsal slit technique is the most commonly used procedure. The sleeve technique introduced later on which helps in preventing common complications of open technique for male circumcision. Objective: Our aim in this study is to assess the efficacy between dorsal slit technique and sleeve technique for circumcision. Methods: A total of 80 patients were studied out of which 40 patients underwent dorsal slit technique and 40 patients underwent sleeve technique the outcomes were measured in terms of post-operative pain, post-operative edema, cosmetic outcomes and duration of hospital stay. Results: 80 subjects were enrolled. Circumcision via dorsal slit technique had no significant difference from sleeve technique In terms of surgical site infection, none observed in any case. On the other hand, sleeve technique resulted in better outcome in terms of post-operative pain, post-operative edema, cosmetic outcomes and duration of hospital stay. Conclusion: Sleeve technique in circumcision has an over dorsal slit technique since it results in reduced post-operative pain, better cosmetic outcome, reduced duration of hospital stay. Thus, it may emerge as a better alternative to improve patient outcome.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970262

26. Evaluation of Biomedical Waste Management Practices at Primary and Secondary Level of Healthcare Facilities of Saurashtra Region of Gujarat, India
Paras Mehta, Sunil Jangid, Dhaval Patel, Mohnish Tundia
Background: Biomedical waste (BMW) collection and proper disposal has become a significant concern for both the medical and the general community as improper management poses risks to the health care workers, patients, general community and largely the environment. In order to improve biomedical waste management, it is important to understand and evaluate the current practices in biomedical waste management, to identify the gaps and to address them. Objectives: (i) Assessment of current Bio-medical waste management practices including collection, segregation, transportation, storage, treatment and disposal technologies in healthcare facilities of Bhavnagar district. (ii) Assessment of health and safety practices for the health care personnel involved in Bio-Medical Waste Management. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. The study employed random sampling. Two Primary health centers (PHC) were randomly selected from each taluka and all Community health centers (CHC) of Bhavnagar district were selected. Study participants included- doctors, staff nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists and sanitary staffs. So total 18 PHCs, 15 CHCs and 165 study participants were included in the study. The study was conducted by using pretested, semi-structured proforma. The study included details of various biosocial profiles, an observational checklist and other details regarding practice of biomedical waste management. Results: Only 38.8% study participants had received training for bio medical waste management and poor biomedical waste management was observed at the primary and community health centres. The safety measures taken by health care workers was not satisfactory, it was basically due to un-awareness of health hazards which may occur because of improper waste management practices. There was significant association between practice of waste segregation and training of study participants. Conclusion: Biomedical waste management practices were poor. Periodic training of health care personnel on BMW management needs to be emphasized to have a significant impact on BMW disposal and practices.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970354

27. Histopathological Spectrum of Oral Cavity Lesions at a Tertiary Care Center in Western Rajasthan
Vijayta Modi, Sunita Kulhari, Ajit Singh, Guman Singh, M. P. Khatri
Background: Oral cavity lesions, encompassing benign, premalignant, and malignant conditions. Global oral cancer prevalence is a significant health concern, especially in developing regions, ranking as the 13th most common cancer worldwide. India faces a high incidence of oral cancers due to socioeconomic challenges and limited healthcare access. Tobacco use, a major risk factor, contributes to substantial morbidity and mortality. Smokeless tobacco alone causes around 200,000 deaths annually in India. The study emphasizes the importance of histopathological evaluation for early identification and treatment, considering it the gold standard in diagnosing oral cavity lesions. Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study conducted for two years from January 2021 to January 2023. All oral cavity lesions received by the department during the study period were included in the study. The tissues received were fixed in buffered formalin and grossed as per the department protocols. The blocks were made by wax block method and 5-micron sections were taken and slides prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain and observed under light microscope. Relevant special stains were used as and when required. Results: We received a total of 259 biopsies and specimens of lesions of oral cavity during the study period. The male to female ratio of 2.12: 1. The male gender dominated in all the three types of lesions, benign, premalignant, and malignant lesions, however the difference was not statistically significant (p-value = 0.06) The age of patients ranged from 13 years to 80 years with the median age of 41 years. Maximum number of patients was in the 6th decade of life with 78 (30.12%) cases followed by 5th decade with 57 (22%) cases. Our study shows that the frequency of malignant lesions increases with the increase in age and in younger patients, benign lesions outnumber the other type of lesions, and the variation is statistically significant (p-value = 0.0001). Smoking was the most common risk factor identified. The most common presenting complaint of the patients was growth in the mouth (167; 64.47%), followed by ulcer (129; 49.80%), pain in the mouth was present in (87; 33.59%) and difficulty in opening of mouth was present only in (34; 13.12%) patients in the present study. The most common site of the lesion was buccal mucosa (42: 16.22% cases) followed by base of tongue (35: 13.51%). In subcategory of inflammatory lesions, there were 2 (0.77%) cases of lichen planus. Out of 43 benign lesions, pyogenic granuloma (12: 27.91% cases) was the most common diagnosis followed by hemangioma (7; 16.28% cases) and lipoma (6; 13.95% cases). In premalignant lesions hyperkeratotic leucoplakia was diagnosed in 12 (57.14%) cases and dysplastic leucoplakia with 9 (42.86%) cases. In malignant lesions the major bulk of diagnosis was squamous cell carcinoma taking the total number to 179 (69.11%) cases. Conclusions: The present study shows that most of the lesions of oral cavity are malignant and squamous in origin. Histopathological examination provides crucial information regarding the nature of lesion and early treatment can be initiated if a malignant lesion is suspected.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970360

28. Comparison of Polyethylene Glycol (Peg 3350) and Lactulose in Functional Constipation in Children (1- 4 Years): A Double Blinded- Randomised Controlled Trial
Hitender Rao, Sanjay Mandot, Dileep Goyal, Anjali Vyas
Introduction: Functional constipation is a common problem confronted by Paediatricians in today’s time. It is important for the child’s physical and mental health that an early evaluation with prompt treatment is given. The objective of the study was to compare the efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350 versus lactulose in treatment of functional constipation in children from age 1-4 years. Aims: To compare the safety and efficacy of polyethylene glycol 3350 (PEG) and lactulose for the treatment of functional constipation in children (1-4 years). Objective: (1) To compare the effectiveness of polyethylene glycol and lactulose in the treatment of functional constipation in children. (2) To compare the short term (up to 12 weeks) adverse effects of both the drugs in the treatment of functional constipation in children. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in Pediatric department, at a tertiary care hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, over a period of February 2021-July2022, after obtaining permission from ethical committee of the institute. Total 70 children (age 1-4years) with functional constipation according to Rome IV criteria were included in the study. Polyethylene glycol 3350 was given in one group while lactulose was given to another group. Improvement in number and consistency of stools according to Bristol scale at 4, 8 and 12 weeks was considered as primary outcome and adverse events were the measure of secondary outcome. Results: Among 70 children, with 35 children in each group, results by 12th week in PEG 3350 group showed 8.6 to be mean number of stools per week and lactulose group showed 7.1. PEG3350 group showed statistically significant difference when compared to lactulose group (P value = 0.0001). At 12 weeks, PEG 3350 group showed 4.5 to be the mean stool consistency (Bristol scale) per week and lactulose group showed 3.9 per week with a statistically significant on comparison (P value = 0.038). Common side effects observed in both groups were bloating and abdominal pain. Conclusion: Polyethylene glycol 3350 is a safer and more effective alternative to lactulose in the treatment of functional constipation in children. Both PEG 3350 and lactulose were successful in treatment, although the PEG 3350 group significantly showed more efficacy and low and mild overall rates of adverse events.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970377

29. A Study on Effect of Depression on Quality of Life in Post-Menopausal Women
Akhila Sabbavarapu, Nimidithalli Annapurna, Shaik Noor Ahammad, P. Suseela Kumari, T Jaya Chandra
Introduction: Menopause is a crucial physiological process in women’s lives here depression is one the psychological condition. A study was conducted to assess the severity of depression in post-menopausal women (PMW). Methods: It was a cross sectional study conducted in the department of Psychiatry, GSL Medical College, conducted between November 2018 and March 2020. The PMW attended psychiatry department on OPD basis, met ICD 10 criteria for depression were considered, those with other psychiatric disorders, chronic physical illness were not considered. The study population were thoroughly explained the purpose of the study and informed consent was obtained. For all the eligible study participants, socio-demographic and clinical information was recorded. Hamilton depression Rating (HAM D) scale was applied to assess the severity of depression and utian quality of life (UQOL) scale was used to assess the QOL. Chi square test was used, P <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Total 120 PMW were included, the mean age was 48.13 ± 4.74 years. Out of the 40 (100%) PMW with depression, total QOL wise, 65% (26) were in 48 – 60 group followed by 35% (14) in 61 – 74 group. Whereas in the UQOL group, the total QOL was 75 to 87 in 47.5% (19) and 88 to 100 in 52.5% (21) of study members; statistically there was significant association. Conclusion: Depression is also one of the commonest psychological disorder among the PMW. No assessment of severity of depression, small sample size are the limitations of this research.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970407

30. Cytological Spectrum of Breast Lesions on Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology at a Tertiary Care Center in Western Rajasthan
Sunita Kulhari, Vijayta Modi, Nikita Manoj, Shailee Chhabra, Guman Singh
Background: Breast carcinoma poses a significant health challenge in India, with a rising incidence of approximately 50% between 1965 and 1985. In India, breast cancer constituted 13.5% of all cancer cases in 2020. Diagnostic procedures, like fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), play a crucial role in evaluating breast lesions. FNAC, recommended by the National Cancer Institute, aids in determining the nature of lesions, guiding treatment decisions. The study aims to explore the cytological spectrum of breast lesions at their institution. Methods: The current study was a hospital based retrospective descriptive study conducted for the period of one years between July 2022 and June 2023. Patients attending the hospital with palpable breast masses, whose FNACs were done at our department or at the department of radiation oncology, and the smears were sent to the Department of Pathology were included in the study as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The FNAC smears were properly fixed by 95% ethanol and stained with H&E and examined under light microscope. Clinical details of the patients were obtained from the requisition form or medical records, including age, habits, clinical examination, clinical diagnosis and noted in the prefixed format / Performa. Results: We received a total of 1750 FNAC smears out of which, breast FNAC’s accounted for 216 cases. 200 (10.95%) cases were included. Youngest patient was 16 years and oldest being 77 years old accounting for range of 61. Mean 42.22, median 39.50 and standard deviation being 15.55. Maximum number of patients were in the age group 21-30 years, followed by age group 31-40 years. Least number of patients were seen in both extremes of ages with 12 (6%) cases in 11 – 20 years age group and only 10 (5%) patients in age beyond 70 years. Most common type of lesions were benign lesions with 92 (46%) cases followed by 84 (42%) were malignant and 24 (12%) were inflammatory. Left sided beast lesions were slightly more common than right sided breast lesion. Left sided lesions were 1.08 times more common. Benign lesions were more common in younger age group and malignant lesions were more common in older age group and the difference in the age distribution is statistically highly significant with p value of < 0.0001. On analysing the occurrence of benign and malignant lesions based on the laterality of lesion. We did not find any significant association between the occurrence of breast lesion to any specific side of breast (p-value=0.620). On cytology examination most common individual diagnosis was malignant lesion with 84 (42%) of all breast lesions. Benign breast disease with 32 (16%) was second most common followed by fibroadenoma in 32 (16%) cases. Conclusions: Fine needle aspiration cytology is an efficient, rapid, inexpensive, safe and reliable diagnostic method. It causes minimum morbidity with very less complications and has excellent patient acceptance. It helps to take the decision for the mode of surgery. Despite of its few limitations, FNAC has got high levels of diagnostic accuracy when performed by experienced pathologist.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970491

31. A Community-Based Study Exploring the Impact of Mothers’ Education on their Engagement with Prenatal Care and Childcare Resources
Vishnu CS, N. Praveen Kumar
Background: Educated women tend to have a greater awareness of the existence of ANC services, are more aware of health problems, know more about the availability of healthcare services, and utilize the information more effectively than non-educated women. Moreover, higher levels of education tend to positively affect health-seeking behaviors, and education may increase a woman’s control over her pregnancy. In this study, we tried to analyze to what level maternal education can influence antenatal care services and childcare. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted on 150 randomly selected mothers who have children aged less than 7 years by using a pre-tested structured questionnaire for data collection at RHC, Karimnagar district from January 2021 to June 2022. Results: Out of 150 study subjects, 12.6% (19) of the study subjects were not registered for antenatal services. The higher the maternal education more the birth spacing between the pregnancies (p<0.05), the more preference for institutional deliveries (p<0.05), the more the birth weight of the child (p<0.05), a smaller number of babies hospitalization due to illness (p<0.00001). Conclusion: This study revealed that the utilization of ANC services was relatively better for the mother’s education higher than secondary school, but they are still low. Educational status is important in having more health-seeking behavior. In this study, it proves that health education is more important than mere school education which can help to improve knowledge on ANC.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970581

32. Heart Rate Variability During Practical Examination Among 1stYear Medical Students of Medical College in South India
S. Selva Kumar, G. Radhika, K. Sarala, G. Shravya Keeethi
Introduction: Stressors such as examination, cause an increase in sympathetic activity of the nervous system innervating the heart, and thus an increase in heart rate. Our study aimed to detect changes in heart rate variability (HRV) during an exam in a group of healthy medical students. Methodology: Cross-sectional study was conducted in GMC-Anantapuramu among 1st year medical students to compare HRV during and after practical examination. Convenient sample of 50 healthy students were enrolled in the study. Spandan ECG portable Device was used for the recording of the 5-minute Lead II HRV test. Institutional ethics committee approval obtained prior to study. Statistics: Data collected was entered into MS Excel and analysis was done using SPSS version25, Descriptive statistics were presented using mean and standard deviation, Paired sample t test was used to test difference between two groups (During exams & After exams), correlation was done. P value <0.05was considered to be statistically significant. Results: (mean age-19.42withSD+/-0.992). Significant difference was observed in Low frequency /High frequency (LF/HF) ratio during exam and after exams (1.17+0.29vs0.96+0.15; p<0.0001) on paired sample t test. A positive correlation was found between female gender and Heart rate during exams as compared to male gender. RMSSD (Root Mean Square of Successive Differences) was higher in males during exams. A positive co relation was found between female and LF/HF ratio after exams (co-relation coefficient r=0.321) p Value=0.023. Conclusion: HRV was significantly high after the exam, indicating release from stress, as compared during the examination when stress was observable. Results also suggest that HRV in females is significantly lower than that in males after examination. In conclusion, the results of our study assessing stress in real-time examination show important gender differences, and lack of adaptation with academic study year.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970693

33. A Study to Find the Prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis among the Diabetes Individuals using Ziehl Neelsen Staining
Swetha Sutrave, Pedapati Kasturi, T Jaya Chandra
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a world pandemic, bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder, very common in low and middle income countries (LMICs) such as India. A study was undertaken to find the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis (PT) among the diabetes individuals using Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) staining. Methods: It was a prospective research conducted in the department of Microbiology, GSL Medical College. Study protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Study was conducted between June to September 2023. Informed written consent was taken from the study participants. Individuals aged >18 years, with cough for >2weeks were included in this research. Detailed clinical history was collected and study was explained. Sputum specimen collection was demonstrated practically. New, sterile sample containers were provided and asked for specimen collection. Smears were predated and stained by ZN technique as per the guidelines. Simultaneously fasting blood sample was collected by venue puncture by following the universal safety precautions, serum glucose was estimated by automated analyser as per the manufacturer instructions. Chisqaure test was used for statistical analysis and P <0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Results: Total 232 members were included. 41.4 years was mean age. In this 58 (25%) were diabetes. Total 48 (20.7%) PT cases were identified; in this 7.3% (17) were diagnosed in DM and 13.4% (31) were identified in non DM individuals; statistically there was no significant difference. Conclusion: There was high prevalence of PT among the DM individuals. Studies for long duration with high sample size is recommended.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10970756

34. A Retrospective Observational Study to Compare the Outcome of Two Port versus Three Port Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies Performed at BMC Sagar
Akhilesh Ratnakar, Sunil Kumar Saxena, Jitendra Singh Dangi, Lav Gupta, Hemal Vithani
Introduction: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is conventionally done by using three or four ports of various size. Cosmesis is very important aspect of laparoscopic surgery. So, trend is towards us of fewer ports for better cosmesis. Objective: Aim of the study is to compare outcome between two port & three port laparoscopic cholecystectomy and see whether there is any advantage in using one technique over the other. Method: Total number of 42 patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were studied and divided into two groups. In Group A, patients who were operated by three port and in Group B, those operated by two port laparoscopic cholecystectomy were studied. The outcome was measured as primary and secondary. Primary included better cosmetic appearance of scar & secondary included post-operative pain, amount of analgesic required, time to ambulation & duration of hospital stay. Results: Out of 42 subjects enrolled, 16 were males and 26 females. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using two ports yielded no mortality and no significant difference in surgical complications or conversion to open surgery. On the other hand, it resulted in better outcome in terms of cosmetic appearance, patient satisfaction, need for analgesia, early ambulation & cost effectiveness. Conclusion: Two port laparoscopic cholecystectomy has an edge over three port laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to excellent appearance of scar and less post-operative pain. Thus, it may emerge as a better alternative to improve patient outcome.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971116

35. Comparative Analysis of Conventional Dose to Low Dose of Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Spinal Anaesthesia in Elective Caesarean Section
Milan Mehta, Ketan Modi, Balraj B. Joshi, Aalap Miteshbhai Shah, Mitul Hareshkumar Chaudhary
Background and Aim: Various local anesthetics, such as bupivacaine, chloroprocaine, levobupivacaine, lidocaine, ropivacaine, and tetracaine, are commonly used in combination with opioids like morphine or fentanyl, or their derivatives, for caesarean sections. In order to assess the effectiveness of two varying doses of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine (7.5mg and 10mg), this study was carried out on women who were undergoing caesarean section. Material and Methods: We conducted research at a prestigious teaching institute in India. Over the course of one year, we enrolled 100 patients who were scheduled for elective caesarean section. These patients had an American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) physical status of I or II. Monitoring of haemodynamic parameters during the spinal anaesthetic included heart rate, non-invasive blood pressure, ECG, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and SpO2. The recorded data included the sensory and motor onset time, as well as the time to regression. Results: The results show that the age, BMI, and ASA grades were similar between the two groups of patients. Group B patients exhibited a notable increase in pulse rate following the spinal procedure, while experiencing a significant decrease in pulse rate at various time intervals (6, 8, 10, 16, 19, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 60 minutes) compared to Group A (P≤0.05). Patients in Group B experienced a notable increase in systolic blood pressure after receiving a spinal procedure, with significant elevations observed at 2, 4, 6, 35, and 50 minutes. Patients in group B required a longer duration to achieve maximum motor and sensory block compared to those in group A. Conclusion: The study found that using a lower dose (7.5mg) of Bupivacaine instead of the conventional dose (10mg) resulted in improved hemodynamic stability. This was evidenced by a decrease in falls in blood pressure, pulse rate, and mean arterial pressure, as well as a significant reduction in the incidence of intraoperative hypotension.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971139

36. Histopathological Spectrum of Non-Neoplastic Lesions of Skin
Saumya Pandey, Vatsala Kishore, Ajmal Singh Bhayal
Background: Clinical presentation of Skin lesions is highly variable and common disorders worldwide. Histopathology is definitive and essential for correct diagnosis and proper management. Aims and Objectives: To study histopathologic spectrum of non-neoplastic skin lesions and to determine age and sex distribution pattern of these lesions. Material and Methods: 109 skin biopsies received in the histopathology section of the Department of Pathology of a tertiary care hospital in Northern India were studied over a period of 2 years. 5 micron thick sections were done and routine staining with haematoxylin and eosin was done in all the cases. Special stain was applied as and when required. All data was recorded carefully and represented in the form of tables/ charts. Results: A total of 109 skin lesions were analysed, of which 27.5% were detected in age-group 21-30 years and male to female ratio was 1.18:1. Clinically, hyperpigmented patches/plaques were most frequently encountered. Hansen’s disease was most common histopathologic diagnosis (30.27%) with borderline tuberculoid leprosy being the most common subtype among 39.39% cases. Cysts and vasculitis were the least common lesions with 1.83% cases in each. Conclusions: Punch biopsy is a very simple outpatient procedure and very useful for diagnosis of skin lesions. Leprosy is still the most common skin disease for which biopsies are done followed by Vesiculobullous lesions and psoriasis.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971156

37. Transdermal Nitroglycerine as a Co Adjuvant to Intrathecal Nalbuphine With 0.5% Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Various Infraumbilical Surgeries
Manisha S Kapdi, Shruti Desai, Ishan Patel, Aditiba Gohil, Parth Prajapati, Ami Atodaria, Hardik Bamania
Purpose: Spinal anesthesia for infraumbilical surgery is common. Various adjuvants are taken to improve sensorimotor characteristics of intrathecal bupivacaine. We have used Nalbuphine as intrathecal adjuvant in both groups & Transdermal NTG in one group as coadjuvant. Study type: Randomised double blind comparative observational study. Methods: We have selected 60 adult patients for the study, 30 in each group. Group A: patients received 3 mL of 0.5% heavy bupivacaine 15 mg + 0.1 mL of 1 mg of preservative free nalbuphine (total volume of 3.1mL) and placebo patch was applied after 20 minutes of spinal anesthesia. Group B: patients received 3 mL of 0.5% heavy bupivacaine 15 mg + 0.1 mL of 1 mg of preservative free nalbuphine (total volume of 3.1mL) and tNTG patch of 5 mg was applied after 20 minutes of spinal anesthesia. Demographical data were comparable among the two groups. Statistical analysis was done by noting parameters in MS EXCEL spread sheet in the form of mean ± SD. ‘p’<0.05was taken as significant and ‘p’ value of <0.001 was taken as highly significant. Results: There was no stastically significant change in vital parameters in both groups. (p > 0.05 ) The sensory &motor characteristics were comparable in the two groups. (p >0.05) Time of 1st rescue analgesia (min) in group A is 327.83 ± 31.61 min and group B is 501.03 ± 40.22 min. ( p <0.001 ). Total analgesic request in 24 hrs in group A is 2.83±0.69 min, group B is 1.83 ± 0.74 which is highly significant stastically. (p < 0.05) Complications like shivering, pruritus, nausea and vomiting were more in patients of group A as compared to group B. Conclusion: Transdermal NTG is good coadjuvant to intrathecal bupivacaine + Nalbuphine for infraumbilical surgery.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971978

38. Assessment of Oral Misoprostol versus Oxytocin for Labor Induction in Term Prelabor Rupture of Membranes
B Sreelatha, Ch. Mamatha
Objective: PROM at term is a common complication of pregnancy that can lead to significant perinatal morbidity and mortality, especially when accompanied by a prolonged latency period from membrane rupture to delivery. This study seeks to evaluate and compare the effectiveness and safety of oral misoprostol versus oxytocin infusion for labor induction in women experiencing prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM) at term. Methods: This prospective randomized trial involved 100 pregnant women admitted to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Naganoor, Karimnagar, with the term PROM. Participants were randomly assigned to two equal groups (groups A or B): group A received oral misoprostol at a dosage of 100 μg every 4 hours for a maximum of three doses, while group B received intravenous oxytocin infusion, starting at 4 mU/min with incremental increases of 4 mU/min every 30 minutes up to a maximum dose of 32 mU/min. The primary outcome measure was the time from induction to vaginal delivery, with secondary outcomes including mode of delivery, as well as maternal and neonatal outcomes. Results: A statistically significant contrast emerged between the two groups regarding the induction-to-delivery interval (IDI), with the mean being notably lower in the misoprostol group compared to the oxytocin group (6.45 ± 1.85 and 9.43 ± 2.19; P < 0.001), respectively. Furthermore, a highly significant difference was observed between the study groups concerning the mean IDI in nulliparous and multiparous women. Conclusion: Administering oral misoprostol at a dosage of 100 μg every 4 hours proved to be not only equally effective as oxytocin for labor induction in term PROM patients but also shortened the duration of labor, particularly in nulliparous women. Moreover, oral misoprostol demonstrated safety in terms of both maternal and neonatal outcomes. Considering these findings, oral misoprostol emerges as a viable alternative to oxytocin for labor induction in term PROM cases.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971989

39. The Spectrum of Psoriatic Arthritis: A Polymorphic Puzzle
Abhijeet Kumar Agrawal, Jahnabi Bhagawati
Background: Psoriatic arthritis was once diagnosed as Rheumatoid arthritis and was treated as such. Its significance as a separate arthritis has evolved after years of studies that revealed its pathogenesis, varied manifestations, and prognosis. It is one of the most common misdiagnosed inflammatory arthritis and requires its voice among the more known forms of arthritis. Material and Method: Cases coming to Rheumatology OPD with complaints of arthritis, dactylitis, and other associated presentations known in Psoriatic arthritis and its variants were collected. All the cases were extensively evaluated based on history, clinical findings, and investigations. Results:  6 cases were identified as having presentations of psoriatic arthritis. Patients came with manifestations like dactylitis, asymmetrical polyarthritis, oligoarthritis, SAPHO (synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis), axial involvement and psoriatic osteoarthritis knee. Conclusion:  This case series illuminates the importance of suspecting psoriatic arthritis in every case of arthritis showing the above-mentioned features as they may not have a classical history of psoriasis always. These patients are often treated with seronegative arthritis or early osteoarthritis. Correct assessment and treatment can improve the outcome in such patients as they may be responsive to different sets of medications and have different prognoses than Rheumatoid arthritis.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10971997

40. Determination of Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA) Level in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Nisha Jangir, Neha, A K Bhargava, US Solanki
Introduction: The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a reproductive endocrine disorder, clinically characterized by oligo-ovulation/chronic anovulation, menstrual irregularities and hyperandrogenism. Objectives: The aim of this study was determined and compare the concentration PSA in 50 patients with PCOS and 50 healthy female controls. Result: The present observation showed that the mean level of PSA concentration in case (group I) was found to be (0.84 ± 0.30 ng/ml) and in control (group II) was found to be (0.53 ± 0.29 ng/ml). Statistical analysis showed that p < 0.05. Conclusion: The PSA concentration in PCOS patient was found to be higher than that of healthy controls, and the difference was statistically significant. A comparatively elevated PSA level in PCOS women as compared to normal women is an indication of hyperandrogenism.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972016

41. Closing Wedge Distal Femoral Osteotomy for Genu Valgum Deformity in Infants and Adolescents with Internal Fixation by Using Wires
Amit Rahangdale, Anita Harinkhede, Ajay Singh, Surendra Kumar Padarya
Background and Objectives: K wires are infrequently used to treat distal femoral medial closure wedge osteotomy, one of the several techniques available for correcting genu valgum deformity. Here, we report on our experience correcting genu valgum abnormalities in children and adolescents with this very well-known osteotomy implant, which is not as commonly utilized. Material and Methods: Individuals having a standing radiological tibio-femoral angle of less than 15° and an intermalleolar distance more than 10 cm, aged 8 to 15 years. A solitary Kirschner wire was used to stabilize the correction, which was made utilising the medial closure wedge osteotomy procedure. The Bostman et al. score was used to evaluate the functional result. Results: Of the 27 limbs, 24 instances had a great outcome; two patients obtained a good functional outcome; while one patient obtained a knee score of less than 20. Conclusion: For children and teenagers, genu valgum repair with distal femoral medial closure wedge osteotomy with fixation utilizing K wires is a feasible alternative.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972026

42. A Prospective Observational Study Assessing Outcome in Neonates Born to Mother with Pre-Eclampsia
Sunil Kumar Singh, Anil Kumar
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the outcome in neonates born to mother with pre-eclampsia. Methods: This was a prospective observational study carried out in neonatal unit. 100 Neonates born to mother with history of pre-eclampsia between and admitted in NICU were taken in to study after informed written parent consent. Results: 39 (39%) neonates of < 32 weeks, 25 (25%) neonates between 32-< 34 weeks, 24 (24%) neonates between 34-<37 weeks and 12 (12%) neonates were ≥ 37 weeks gestation. The percentage of neutropenia and septicemia was less as gestational age advances in neonates. It was statistically significant with p value 0.007 which was statistically significant. It is also seen that as the gestational age decreases more is chance of having neutropenia and septicemia in babies. 34 (34%) neonates were between 1.5- 2.5kg birth weight, 32 (32%) neonates were between 1-<1.5kg birth weight, 24 (24%) neonates had birth weight <1kg. Out of 40 neutropenic neonates, 20 neonates had birth weight between 1-<1.5kg, 16 neonates were < 1kg birth weight and 9 neonates had birth between 1.5-2.5kg. Similarly out of total septicemic neonates 5 neonates had birth weight between 1-<1.5 kg, 3 neonates were <1kg birth weight and 2 neonates between 1.5-2.5kg birth weight. The common perinatal outcome was RDS (46%) followed by IUGR babies 32%, birth asphyxia in 12% neonates, NEC was seen in 10% , 8% neonates had culture positive sepsis. 40 mothers has severe hypertension and 22 neonates born to them were having neutropenia, similarly 60 mothers with mild to moderate hypertension and 26 neonates born to them had neutropenia. Conclusion: Pregnancy induced hypertension is one of the most common causes of both maternal and neonatal morbidity. The risk for delivering prematurely is high in babies born to mothers with pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is one of the causative factors for preterm and low birth weight babies. There is higher number of interventional surgical deliveries amongst preeclamptic mothers. Perinatal outcome of babies born to mother with preeclampsia are RDS, IUGR, Sepsis, NEC, birth asphyxia.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972042

43. A Hospital-Based Assessment of the Accuracy of Hysteroscopy in the Diagnosis of the Cause of Bleeding in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: An Observational Study
Niharika, P. Usha Rani, Radhika Yadati
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the accuracy of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of the cause of bleeding in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. Material & Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 200 patients attended the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Yashoda Multi -speciality Hospital, Somajiguda, Hyderabad, India for the duration of 2 years and to assess the role of diagnostic hysteroscopy and histopathology in evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding. Results: Majority of the patients belonged to 31-40 years age group. Of the 200 patients, majority, 86 had symptoms for more than 1 year, 64 patients had symptoms for 6 months to 1 year and 50 patients had symptoms for less than 6 months. Majority of the patients presented with menorrhagia. The second commonest was post-menopausal bleeding in 32 cases. There were 30 cases with polymenorrhagia and 26 patients with Hypomenorrhea. Out of 200 patients, 54 had proliferative followed by 44 secretary. Histopathology findings corroborate the hysteroscopically detected cases of hyperplasia, atrophic endometrium and endometritis. Both hysteroscopy and curettage were accurate when an abnormality was diagnosed, giving a specificity of 97.3% and 97.3% respectively and positive predictive value of 94.3% and 95.5% respectively. The ability to diagnose a lesion was more with hysteroscopy i.e. sensitivity in comparison to curettage, (91.9% versus 78.2%) while a negative diagnosis was less wrongly made with hysteroscopy in comparison to diagnostic curettage. Conclusion: Hysteroscopy has a definitive role in evaluating patients with abnormal uterine bleeding especially with patient with thick endometrium, in any age group. Hysteroscopy is a safe and reliable procedure in the diagnosis of cases with abnormal uterine bleeding with high sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value and the results of hysteroscopy are immediately available. Hysteroscopy and histopathology complement each other in evaluating patients with abnormal uterine bleeding for accurate diagnosis and further treatment.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972049

44. A Hospital Based Prospective Comparative Assessment of the Efficacy of Oral Verapamil versus Intralesional Verapamil Injection in Patients of Peyronie’s Disease
Rana Pratap Singh, Arshad Jamal
Aim: The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of oral verapamil versus intralesional verapamil injection in patients of Peyronie’s disease. Methods: The present study was conducted at department of Urology, Rajendra Institute of medical sciences (RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand, India for one year and 40 patients were randomly divided into two groups (20 in each group). None of the 40 patients lost to follow up. Patients in group I received oral verapamil and group II patients received intralesional verapamil injection. Results: A total of 40 patients were enrolled in this prospective study. The median of the duration of PD was 3 months in both groups (range 1–6). Of the 40 patients randomised, 20 and 20 subjects in the group I and in the group II, respectively, completed the study protocol.  No statistically significant differences emerged between groups at baseline. At baseline, moreover, no significant difference emerged in terms of plaque size and penile curvature when comparing patients with and without comorbidities. At 3-month follow-up, plaque size decreased by -1.60 mm (IQR=1.60–2.10 mm) in Group I and -1.20 mm in Group II, showing no statistically significant differences between the 2 treatment schedules (p=0.10). As regards penile curvature, it decreased by -9.40° (IQR=4.50°–13.00°) in group I and -4.55° (IQR=2.50°–7.50°) in Group II (p<0.01). The median difference between pre- and post-treatment IIEF-15 was 1.0 (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.12–1.94) in Group I and 0.0 (95% CI=-0.04–0.14) in Group II (p<0.05), while the zmedian difference for VAS score was -4.0 (95% CI=-4.11–-3.65) in Group I and -1.0 (95% CI=-0.50–2.01) in Group II (p<0.05). Conclusion: Verapamil injections seem to provide an effective minimally invasive option in the acute phase of PD and might have the potential to lower penile pain and ameliorate IIEF, as compared with other intralesional agents.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972088

45. An Observational Study to Investigate the Association between Concha Bullosa and Septal Deviation
Md. Tausiful Haque, Manish Kumar, Birendra Kumar
Aim: The aim of the present study was to classify septal deviations according to the Mladina classification and to investigate the relationship between concha bullosa and septal deviation. Methods: A total of 1660 patients aged 14-69 years consulting at department of ENT with septal deviation were identified for possible inclusion in the study. Patients with minor deviation, minimal concha bullosa, sinusitis and nasal polyps were excluded. The study included 200 patients (130 males, 70 females; mean age 31.8±12.6 years; range 14 to 69 years). Results: There were more type 3 septal deviations (34%) than other types. In 96 patients with concha bullosa, 65 had unilateral and 31 had bilateral concha bullosa. Septal deviation was found at the opposite side in 84.62% of 65 patients with unilateral concha bullosa. There was a significant correlation between the presence of concha bullosa and the type of septal deviation (p<0.05). The deviation was type 3 in 47.91% of patients with concha bullosa. Conclusion: In conclusion, concha bullosa and septal deviation may affect and cause each other. Concha bullosa is seen more with type 3 septal deviation than with other types. Following our results, when we found  type 3 septal deviation on physical examination, we must keep concha bullosa in mind, although the relationship between septal deviation and concha bullosa is still under investigation and further studies are required.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10972100

46. To Study the Coping Strategies of Visually Impaired Adults
Arpita Gupta, Nidhi Jain, Paridhi Gupta, Ravi Soni
Background:  Unlike the majority of animals, humans are vulnerable from birth and require care and upbringing in a secure environment in order to survive. Human development is complex and all-encompassing. The ability to learn through the senses—such as sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell—is crucial to growth. To understand their surroundings, people need to use all of their senses. About 253 million individuals worldwide suffer from vision impairment (VI). People infected with VI have a harder time getting by in comparison to those who are sighted, depending on the sort of visual impairment they have (congenital or accidental). Among the difficulties faced by people with VI are unemployment, injuries from falls and accidents, low self-esteem, loneliness, depression, and trouble getting around in their communities. Maintaining a visual impairment can have a significant effect on many areas of life, including employment, relationships with others, mobility, and mental and social health. When evaluating visual impairment, ophthalmologists must to take into account the coping strategies that patients use and provide counseling and training in more constructive coping techniques. Aim: The study aims to assess the coping strategies of visually impaired adults. Material and Method: The Department of Ophthalmology carried out this cross-sectional investigation. The study involved the recruitment of adult patients (aged 24 to 70) who self-presented to the ophthalmology outpatient department and had a best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of less than 6/18, current refraction in the better eye, and vision loss duration of at least 6 months. All participants provided written informed consent. The cause of the visual loss had to be irreversible; in this case, irreversible low vision was defined as current BCVA in the better eye between <6/18 and <6/60 that could not be treated, irreversible blindness as current BCVA in the better eye between <6/60 and 3/60 (economic blindness), or irreversible social blindness as current BCVA in the better eye between <3/60 and <6/60 that could not be treated. Results: Forty patients met the inclusion criteria and gave their permission to take part; twenty (50%) were female and ranged in age from 24 to 70 years; twenty (20%) had a co-occurring chronic illness but no other handicap except vision. The most common cause of reduced vision or blindness was degenerative myopia, which was caused by posterior segment disease. When all participants were combined, avoidance and reflective coping showed the greatest ratings, while strategic planning showed the lowest. The majority of vision-related QoL scores were low, with the psychosocial effects of sight loss being linked to the lowest QoL. Conclusion: It was found that the combination of autopsy and CT scan results is a helpful diagnostic tool for different types of brain injury lesions, which aids in the creation of better policies. It was noted that while a CT scan can be helpful in diagnosing different types of head injury lesions, an autopsy is a more reliable method of finding them. Patients with traumatic head injuries can benefit greatly from the high-resolution CT scan, which is a very advanced procedure. As nonadaptive ways of functioning, demobilization and high mobilization for coping seem to be associated with worse quality of life, decreased self-esteem, and elevated feelings of pessimism, loneliness, and anxiety.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10974383

47. Comparative Analysis of Conventional Digital Subtraction Angiogram and Color Doppler in Inflammatory Generic Disorders
Nidhi Agrawal, Rajpal Yadav, Nishant Mishra
Background:  A patient with infra-genicular peripheral arterial occlusive disease is a common clinical scenario. Other than trauma, thromboembolism, and vasculitis, the most common causes of arterial insufficiency in our system are atherosclerotic disease and Burgers disease, especially in middle-aged smokers from low-income backgrounds. Color doppler (CD) imaging is a useful tool for evaluating the supraventricular artery system; but, because of their deeper placement, the infra-genicular arteries are sometimes difficult to view. An increased risk of lower extremity amputation results from the hardening and constriction of arteries brought on by peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). As a result, it’s important to contrast the accuracy of conventional digital subtraction angiography (CDSA) with non-invasive diagnostic methods like Color Doppler (CD). Material and Method:  This prospective study was carried out in the Department of Radiodiagnosis and included forty patients with lower limb ischemia. Complete demographic data, comorbidities, cardiovascular risk factors, and the clinical stage of peripheral artery disease were gathered for each patient. A total of 150 segments, including three segments from each patient’s anterior, posterior, and peroneal arteries, were examined using color doppler and DSA. The blind analysis employed kappa values and two-way contingency tables on a total of 150 vascular segments. The ethical committee approved the study, and the patient gave permission for the catheter angiography. Results: A total of 150 vascular segments were subjected to blind examination. The outcomes were examined using kappa statistics and two-way contingency tables. In our investigation, we found that color doppler had Sensitivity = 83%, Specificity = 92%, PPV = 66%, and NPV = 96% in the infra-genicular arterial system disorder. The primary risk variables found in the study’s history, which was gathered to assess risk factors, were diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking, and hypertension. Patients were classified according to the percentage of stenosis: 10% had lesions with a stenotic percentage of 1 to 19%, 20% had a stenotic percentage of 20 to 49%, 32% had a stenotic percentage of 50 to 99%, and 38% had total occlusion. Conclusion:  Ultrasound should be the first modality of examination for patients with arterial insufficiency because of its low cost, non-invasive nature, lack of radiation risk, lack of contrast-related reactions, and lack of nephrotoxicity. The results of this study showed that the inferior genicular arteries had a high NPV (96%) for color Doppler testing, suggesting that arteriography may not be necessary if these arteries have normal spectral waveform and color flow. On the other hand, CT Angiography provides a road map-like image of the arterial system and is a useful tool for assessing collateral circulation and segmental length.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10974585

48. To Investigate Endometrium’s Histomorphological Patterns in Abornormal Uterine Bleeding
Yogesh Chandra Sharma, Pramod Solanki, Shashank Sharma, Osho Vishwa Mohan, Prerana Kaushal
Background:  For abnormal uterine bleeding, an endometrial histopathology investigation is the gold standard diagnostic procedure. This is a common gynecological complaint problem. Endometrial illness is one of the most common gynecological issues affecting women globally. These diseases have a significant detrimental effect on mother morbidity and death rates and affect individuals of all ages. Most female patients with endometrial illness first experience abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Thus, AUB is in favor of the need for a prompt diagnosis. The wide range of histological features associated with endometrial illness is the cause of this. Material and Method:  This study looked back at patients who had presented to the Department of Pathology with AUB during that time. In this investigation, the pathology department examined 120 samples of endometrial curettage tissues with clinical symptoms of abnormal uterine hemorrhage for histological evaluation. Women presenting with AUB provided endometrial samples to the Department of Pathology via fractional curettage, endometrial biopsy, and dilatation and curettage (D and C). The Department of Pathology provided the histopathological reports on each of these instances, while the Department of Medical Records provided further information about the patients. Medical records were used to gather information on the patient’s demographics, parity, gestational age if she was pregnant, indication, and histopathology results. Results: The study comprised 120 endometrial curetts in total. With a mean age of 40.4 years, the patients with AUB range in age from 18 to 79 years. The age range of 40 to 49 years old had the highest frequency of AUB. Proliferative endometrium was the most prevalent finding in women under 40, followed by secretory endometrium and disordered proliferative endometrium. A disorganized proliferation pattern was seen in 12 cases (10%), with the age groups of 30 to 39 and 40 to 49 years old showing the highest prevalence of this pattern. Four (3.4%) of the lesions were found to be malignant. Conclusion: Normal cyclic changes account for the majority of histopathological findings. Conversely, bleeding during and after menopause is significantly influenced by hyperplasia and malignancies. Even though there is ongoing debate regarding the efficacy of D&C in identifying premalignant and malignant instances, it is still a commonly utilized sample technique for AUB patients. Patients with abnormal uterine bleeding should have endometrial samples analyzed histopathologically to rule out preneoplasia and malignancy. In individuals without organic pathology, physiological characteristics such proliferative endometrium, secretory endometrium, and monthly variations were normal.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10974652

49. Congenital Ichthyoses in Pediatric Age Group
Sambhav Yadav, Saurabh Singh, Mrinal Kandpap, Kuracha Mounika
Background:  A collection of monogenetic cornification illnesses collectively known as congenital ichthyosis occasionally manifests as systemic symptoms. Anomalies related to skin inflammation can include abnormal keratinocyte kinetics, abnormal stratum corneum thickness, or abnormal scale production in terms of quality or quantity. Anhidrosis, ectropion, pruritus, and fragile skin are occasionally linked to uncommon forms of ichthyoses. Correct clinical diagnosis of an ichthyosis patient is necessary before prognostications, treatment recommendations, and genetic counseling can be provided. However, due to clinical variability, a precise diagnosis may be difficult to reach in some cases. Ichthyoses are a diverse set of illnesses caused by aberrant differentiation and desquamation of the epidermis along with deficiencies in keratinization or cornification. Congenital ichthyosis nomenclature and nosology have developed over time, resulting in a bewildering patchwork of words and categorization schemes. Aim: To study the clinical presentation of various types of congenital ichthyosis in the pediatric age group. Material and Method: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out in the pediatric department. Based on clinical patterns, 30 instances of ichthyosis in total were included in the study. For comparative research, the entire number of new patients who visited the department at that time was enrolled. A predetermined format for the questionnaires was used to extract the history. Concerns were raised regarding the following: blistering of the skin, seasonal fluctuation, shedding of skin on a cyclical basis, age of onset, duration, itching, reduced perspiration and heat intolerance, and history of collodion infant. Results: Of the thirty individuals who had congenital ichthyosis, seventy-seven percent had ichthyosis vulgaris, and fifteen percent had lamellar ichthyosis. Sjogren-Larsson syndrome and bullous ichthyosis form erythroderma (BIE) each made up 6% of the total, while non-bullous ichthyosis form erythroderma (NBIE) made up 9%. In both sexes, the prevalence of ichthyosis vulgaris was nearly equal. Females had a higher incidence of lamellar ichthyosis. In NBIE, the distribution of sexes was equal. In cases of ichthyosis vulgaris, 25% of patients had a history of second- or third-degree consanguineous marriage, while 75% of patients did not have any such history. In lamellar ichthyosis, NBIE, Sjogren–Larsson syndrome, and Netherton’s syndrome, all the patients had consanguineous parents. In ichthyosis vulgaris 40% of patients had a family history of ichthyosis. In lamellar ichthyosis, a positive family history was present in 20% of patients. Conclusion:  Numerous distinct forms of ichthyoses possess distinguishing characteristics and are dependable in their diagnosis. However, due to significant clinical heterogeneity, a precise diagnosis may be difficult to reach in some patients and families. Generally speaking, diagnosis is aided by knowing if ichthyosis is inherited or acquired, present at birth or later in life, and confined to the skin or a component of a multisystem condition. Other helpful clinical findings include blistering, the kind and distribution of scale, the existence or absence of erythroderma, and any related abnormalities of the skin adnexa. To identify the inheritance pattern, a complete family history is necessary.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10974701

50. Testicular Volumes and Semen Parameters among Healthy Adults Are Evaluated In Relation to One Another
Rajpal Yadav, Deepak Agrawal
Background: An essential and significant first step in evaluating testicular function is testing testicular size and characteristics of the semen. The most significant radiological method for accurately measuring testicular volume is considered to be ultrasound. Numerous reproductive endocrine factors affect testicular size. Measurements of testicular size and volume are related to the assessment of male fertility. The seminiferous tubules comprise between 70% and 80% of the bulk of the testicular mass. It is believed that testicular size serves as a gauge for spermatogenesis. On the other hand, assessing the testicular volume of teenage boys is crucial in establishing the onset of puberty or pubertal development. Materials and Method: For our study, we employed a prospective observational category design. It was finished in the radiology department of a medical institution in Central India. The study was conducted between August 2019 and August 2021. The study was conducted between August 2019 and August 2021. Testicular sizes of 200 adult males aged 18 to 70 were measured, and Lambert’s formula was used to calculate the volumes of the testicles on each side. Serum hormone analysis and traditional semen parameter evaluations were freely undertaken by all research participants. The relationships between testicular volumes, semen parameters, participant anthropometric measurements, and other characteristics were also evaluated.  Results: The testicular volumes were calculated using Lambert’s formula. 200 adult males in total, ranging in age from 18 to 70 (with a median of 38 years old), took part in the study. On the right and left sides of the testis, the mean testicular volumes were measured to be 21.49±5.45 cm3 and 23.29±5.31 cm3, respectively. The discrepancies on either side of the volumes were different, according to statistics. There was a significant negative correlation found between blood hormone levels and the properties of semen and testicular volume. There were statistically significant relationships seen between age, testicular volumes, right and left lengths, and left and right testicular widths. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that the most reliable method for measuring testicular volume and evaluating the gonadal organs’ functioning was ultrasonography.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10974772

51. An Observational Study Was to Assess Laparoscopic Fenestration in Patients with Polycystic Liver Disease and Long-Term Outcome
Sanjay Kumar, Tushar Saini, Nitesh Kumar, Saket Kumar, Manish Mandal
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess laparoscopic fenestration in patients with Polycystic liver disease and long-term outcome. Methods: The present study was conducted in patients with PCLD were referred to the Department of surgical gastroenterology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sheikhpura, Patna, Bihar, India. 50 patients were included in the study. Unfenstrated patients were 35 and 15 were fenestrated patients. It is retrospective observational study. Results: 35 patients had no surgical treatment for their liver cysts. 23 of these patients were asymptomatic or had mild pain that was relieved with an oral analgesic. Cholangitis secondary to biliary lithiasis and an unresectable cholangiocarcinoma were present in one patient each. The remaining 15 patients underwent wide fenestration of the cysts and so form the basis of this retrospective review. One patient had suppurative cholangitis secondary to compression of the left intrahepatic bile ducts by the cysts. Pain was never the result of an acute complication such as hemorrhage, superinfection, or acute distension of cysts. Conclusion: In conclusion, deroofing should be performed only in patients with PCLD who have significant related disorders and minimal renal dysfunction. Because of the high incidence of this disease, surgery is probably rarely indicated. Fenestration is a safe, effective procedure when the noncystic liver is normal and when the cysts may be anticipated to collapse after operation. Rarely, symptomatic patients seem to have highly advanced disease, resulting in a rigid, noncystic liver. These patients seem to be at a higher risk of postoperative complications (mainly ascites) and shorter efficacy of treatment.

52. Prevalence and Clinical Patterns of Essential Infantile Esotropia in Tertiary Care Hospital, Erode District, Tamil Nadu: Prospective Observational Study
Pramila. M, V. Praveen, Panneerselvam Periasamy, Sasikala Gunasekaran
Introduction: Essential infantile esotropia (EIE) is the most common type of childhood esotropia. Aim of this study is to study the clinical patterns of essential infantile esotropia, etiological and demographic profile of patients with Essential infantile esotropia between ages 0-12 years in a tertiary care hospital to assess various clinical patterns and refractive errors. Materials and Methods: It is a prospective observation study of patients with Essential infantile esotropia conducted at Government Erode Medical College Hospital, Perundurai, from January 2023 to September 2023.The study included 25 patients with typical features of Essential infantile esotropia, under 12 years of age were included. Amount of deviation, refractive status of the eye and associated features like inferior oblique overaction were recorded. Amblyopia was treated with occlusion therapy. Results: The study involved 25 children, with 28% under 2 years old and 72% over 2 years old. The mean age of surgery (change as mean age of patients presenting to hospital) patients was 5.43 years, with 14 males and 11 females. The study found that 48% of the 25 patients were emmetropic, while 44% had mild hypermetropia and Myopia was seen in 24% of cases. Amblyopia was seen in 69% of cases which majority improved with amblyopia therapy. 36% of patients in the study exhibited cross fixation, while 52% demonstrated abduction limitation. In our study, DVD was seen in 4 % of patients, Inferior oblique overaction was seen in 16 % of the patients. Conclusion: This study provides data on the most prevalent forms and associations of Essential infantile esotropia and  knowledge of various clinical types. Timely intervention will help in the development of binocular single vision.

53. Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Glaucoma in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome: A Retrospective Study
Hanumant Keshavrao Bhosale, Sayed Rayyan Sayed Inayatullah
Background: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF) is a systemic ocular disorder characterized by the accumulation of fibrillar material on ocular tissues, posing a significant risk factor for the development of secondary open-angle glaucoma, termed pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PXG). This retrospective study aims to investigate the prevalence and clinical characteristics of glaucoma in patients diagnosed with PXF. Medical records of 200 PXF patients aged 50 and above were reviewed, revealing a glaucoma prevalence of 45%, with 90 patients diagnosed with PXG. Significant differences in intraocular pressure, visual field defects, and optic nerve head changes were observed between PXG and non-glaucomatous PXF patients. These findings underscore the importance of vigilant monitoring and early detection of glaucoma in PXF patients for timely intervention and improved management strategies. Aim: This retrospective study aims to investigate the prevalence of glaucoma and its clinical characteristics in patients diagnosed with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF), shedding light on the association between PXF and secondary open-angle glaucoma, known as pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PXG). Material and Method: This observational research, conducted by the Department of Ophthalmology, involved 100 individuals presenting with pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF) who visited the department. Selection criteria included the presence of pseudoexfoliation material on the pupillary border and/or lens. In most cases, pupils were dilated to facilitate observation of pseudoexfoliation material on the lens capsule. Each patient underwent a comprehensive glaucoma assessment, including visual acuity measurements, tonography, perimetry with a Bjerrum screen, Schiotz tonometry, and gonioscopy with a Goldmann three-mirror lens. All patients received a thorough evaluation encompassing gonioscopy, intraocular pressure monitoring, slit lamp biomicroscopy, medical and ocular history review, and a comprehensive eye examination. Results: The study population had a mean age of 68.47±9.37 years. Of the participants, 3% were aged up to 50 years, 15% were aged between 51 to 60 years, 33% were aged between 61 to 70 years, 43% were aged between 71 to 80 years, and the remaining 6% were aged 81 years and above. Among the participants, 65% were male, while 35% were female. In terms of ocular findings, 20% of eyes exhibited pseudoexfoliation material on gonioscopy. Additionally, 70% of eyes showed pigment on gonioscopy, while 45% exhibited Sampaolesi’s line. Regarding Shaffer’s grading on gonioscopy, 59% of eyes were classified as Grade IV, 22% as Grade III, 11% as Grade II, and the remaining 8% as Grade I. Conclusion: This study enhances our comprehension of the prevalence and associated complications of pseudoexfoliation syndrome (PXF). With an increasing occurrence of pseudoexfoliation in the population, there is a growing awareness of its implications. Given its higher incidence among the elderly, it is imperative to remain vigilant regarding pseudoexfoliation, as delaying medical intervention can lead to various comorbidities. Notably, pseudoexfoliation is prevalent among individuals of advanced age, emphasizing the importance of proactive management and early detection.

54. Comprehensive Study of Eye Disorders Linked to Retinal Vein Occlusion
Sayed Rayyan Sayed Inayatullah, Hanumant Keshavrao Bhosale
Background: Retinal vein occlusion (RVO) is a significant cause of visual impairment and blindness, encompassing two main types: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). This study provides a comprehensive analysis of eye conditions associated with RVO, aiming to elucidate the underlying mechanisms, risk factors, and therapeutic approaches. RVO occurs when a blood clot blocks the vein, leading to a build-up of blood and fluid, causing swelling and hemorrhage in the retina. CRVO involves the main vein of the retina, while BRVO affects smaller branches. The etiology of RVO is multifactorial, with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and glaucoma identified as significant risk factors. Additionally, systemic inflammatory conditions and blood disorders can predispose individuals to RVO. Aim: The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of eye conditions associated with retinal vein occlusion (RVO), focusing on the underlying mechanisms, risk factors, diagnostic advancements, and therapeutic approaches. Material and Method: This cross-sectional observational study was carried out in the ophthalmology department. Prior to participation, all subjects provided their written, informed consent and were briefed on the study’s objectives. Information such as the patient’s name, age, and gender was recorded. The questionnaire included queries about the history of the illness and any previous ocular trauma or surgeries. A history of systemic illnesses was also collected. All participants underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination. Visual acuity was assessed using an illuminated Snellen’s Chart. Detailed slit lamp examinations were conducted, and dilated fundoscopy was performed using a direct ophthalmoscope, an indirect ophthalmoscope, and slit lamp biomicroscopy. When necessary, optical coherence tomography was employed to confirm the presence of macular edema. Visual acuity ranging from 6/18 to 6/60 was classified as visual impairment, while acuity better than 6/18 was classified as blindness. Results: The patients’ ages ranged from 41 to 77, with a median age of 66 and a mean age of 58. The study included 57 female and 43 male patients. Among them, 54 had BRVO, 38 had CRVO, and 8 had HRVO. Statistical analysis did not reveal a significant relationship between BCVA and RVO. Macular edema was observed in 11 patients with BRVO. In the CRVO group, 16 patients had vitreous hemorrhage (VH), 9 had macular edema (ME), and 3 exhibited iris neovascularization (INV). Additionally, 4 patients had disc neovascularization (DNV). VH was also present in one HRVO patient. Overall, patients with CRVO experienced a higher incidence of ocular complications compared to those with BRVO and HRVO. Conclusion: The identification of complications associated with RVOs is imperative due to their potential threat to vision. Early diagnosis of the condition is vital to mitigate the risk of irreversible blindness. By promptly diagnosing RVOs, various treatment modalities can be implemented to effectively address these complications, thus significantly reducing the burden of blindness. In our medical facility, central retinal vein occlusion is more prevalent than peripheral retinal vein occlusion, with women being disproportionately affected compared to men. The early detection of RVO-related issues can play a crucial role in reducing the societal impact and cost associated with blindness.

55. Respiratory Muscle Training Exclusively for Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Hashmi Syed Fazlullah Abdullah
Background: Inspiratory muscle strength and endurance are diminished in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Respiratory Muscle Training (RMT), which includes both Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) and Expiratory Muscle Training (EMT), is a component of pulmonary rehabilitation for these patients. IMT plays a particularly significant role within RMT. COPD patients experiencing dyspnea benefit from RMT, as strengthening the inspiratory muscles helps to reduce breathlessness. However, the effectiveness of IMT is debated, and its clinical application in COPD patients is limited. COPD patients often develop forward shoulder posture (FSP) and kyphosis, which negatively impact respiratory function. Individuals with kyphosis experience fatigue and have considerable difficulty with activities that require an upright posture or high exercise tolerance, such as walking, climbing stairs, housework, and reaching overhead. Consequently, basic activities of daily living are adversely affected by this spinal deformity. Correcting this posture can straighten the spine and enhance lung capacities. Kyphosis is characterized by excessive thoracic flexion, forward shoulders, and abducted scapulae. A thoracic supportive device, such as a postural brace, can be used to correct these postural abnormalities. Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of respiratory muscle training as a sole intervention in improving respiratory function and overall health outcomes in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Material and Method: This prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Department of Respiratory Medicine. Patients were randomly assigned to either a respiratory muscle training (RMT) group or an RMT with postural correction group using concealed envelopes. The study included male and female patients aged 40-70 years who were diagnosed with mild to moderate stable COPD by a physician and referred for pulmonary rehabilitation. After being briefed about the study, patients provided informed written consent. Demographic data were collected, and multiple outcome measures were evaluated. Assessments were conducted on day one before the intervention and eight weeks post-intervention, with a follow-up after three months. All subjects were referred from the Pulmonary and Medicine Outpatient Department (OPD) or as inpatients. Results: Out of the initial 102 patients included in the study, 2 patients (one from each group) did not complete the intervention program. One patient in the control group dropped out due to prolonged exacerbations of respiratory disease, and one patient in the study group withdrew consent. Therefore, a total of 100 patients completed the study. The postural assessment, pulmonary function, and demographics of the two groups were well-matched, showing no significant differences between the groups for any variables. However, the 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) in the control group was significantly lower than in the study group. Conclusion: From the present study it can be stated that postural correction along with respiratory muscle training is a meaningful addition to pulmonary rehabilitation programmes directed at COPD patients with inspiratory muscle weakness and faulty posture. It was also noted that few variables maintained the state of improvement even after 3 months of follow up in both the groups.

56. A Hospital Based Epidemiological Study to Assess the Spectrum of Congenital Heart Diseases in a Tertiary Care Centre
Priya Verma, Gopal Shankar Sahni
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the spectrum of congenital heart diseases in a tertiary care centre in Bihar Region. Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Pediatrics, Shri Krishna Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India and 200 patients were studied. Results: We studied 200 patients in age group 0 to 5 years with clinical suspicion of CHD out of which 116 were male and 84 were female and maximum patients belonged to 1-12 months of age. The difficulty in breathing emerged as the most common presenting complaint, followed by feeding difficulty. The cases with VSD were found to be 32%, ASD were 30%, PDA were 8%, TOF were 5%, 13% cases were combination of multiple defects. Conclusion: We concluded that VSD 32% was the commonest heart disease, followed by ASD 30%, congenital heart diseases showed male preponderance. VSD was the commonest acyanotic heart disease and TOF was the commonest cyanotic heart disease. The majority of patients were seen in the age group 1 to 12 months of age. Difficulty in breathing was the most common presenting complaint followed by feeding difficulty.

57. Observational Research to Determine the Risk Factors for Cesarean Delivery in Induced Labor at Term
Sonal, Hemali Heidi Sinha
Aim: The aim of this study was to identify those factors which influence the risk of emergency cesarean delivery in induced labors at term. Material & Methods: A case–control study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology over a period of one year. A total of 300 women were studied, out of which 100 women delivered by emergency caesarean section and 200 women delivered vaginally. The cohort included all women with a live singleton fetus in the cephalic position and induced at term (C37 weeks). Cases were women who delivered by emergency caesarean section and controls were women with a vaginal delivery among the cohort. Informed consent was taken for all patients. Results: Using logistic regression analysis, all comparisons are estimated and expressed as OR with 95 % CI. Factors associated with cesarean delivery were analysed. Our study had shown that maternal age C35 years, BMI C30 kg/m2, nulliparity, preinduction Bishops score less than 5, gestational diabetes mellitus, and intrauterine growth restriction are significantly associated with caesarean delivery. The presence of epidural analgesia, gestational hypertension, postterm pregnancy, and premature rupture of membranes was not associated with significant increase in cesarean delivery if labor was induced at term. Conclusion: A vaginal delivery is the best choice for both mother and child. However, it is better to take those patients with multiple risk factors for elective cesarean section rather than inducing them at term. Women with multiple risk factors for caesarean can be taken up for elective cesarean section rather than inducing them at term.

58. A Hospital-Based Evaluation of the Therapeutic Effectiveness of Nutraceuticals in Treating Osteoarthritis
Aurangzeb, Deepak Kumar, Sushil Kumar Singh
Aim: Assessing the therapeutic effectiveness of nutraceuticals in treating osteoarthritis. Material and Methods: The present observational study was conducted at Department of Orthopaedics, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura, Bihar, India. Patients were recruited from Department of Orthopaedics, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura, Bihar, India for 1year. Aged between 19 to 75 years with the clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee based on the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria and at least moderate pain in the knee (rated at 5 or greater by the subject on a visual analog scale) during the most painful knee movement during the last month. Patients who had uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension, hepatic disorder, pregnant & lactating women, acute joint trauma of knee were excluded from the study. Results: Out of 151 patients, 78% patients had comorbidities such as hypertension, anxiety, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders etc. All the subjects selected during the study received TriNyros capsule two times daily for three months. At the baseline the mean WOMAC combined score was 39.62 + 11.95 (p< 0.05) which was reduced significantly to 13.36 + 4.82 (p< 0.05) at the end of study. From the baseline 66.80% improvement observed in the patient after treatment with TriNyros. Further sub-group analysis shows that, total WOMAC score in OA patient with comorbidities reduced from 39.37 + 11.52 to 13.34 + 4.48 (p< 0.05) & in patient without comorbidities reduced from 40.08 + 12.82 to 13.40 + 5.43 (p< 0.05) after 90 days treatment with TriNyros.  The subgroup analysis revealed that TriNyros reduces pain on palpations significantly from 1.98 + 0.64 to 0.66 + 0.52 (63.94%) in OA patient without any other disorder and 2.12 + 0.63 to 0.77 + 0.47 (66.67%) (P< 0.05) in OA patient with co-morbidities. Conclusion: The findings of the current phase IV post marketing surveillance suggest that TriNyros act synergistically to exert anti‐inflammatory/anti‐arthritic activity. Cap TriNyros efficaciously reduces joint pain and improves the physical functional ability of OA patient. Furthermore, Cap. TriNyros shows similar efficacy in OA patients with comorbidity and without comorbidity.

59. Clinical-Epidemiological Assessment of Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Following Acute Gastroenteritis
Gangesh Kumar Gunjan, Umesh Chandra Jha
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the clinical profile of patients with acute kidney injury following acute gastroenteritis. Methods: The Present study was conducted in Department of General Medicine, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Darbhanga, Bihar, India from for 12 months. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, total 100 patients of AGE with AKI were considered for this study. Results: Most common age group in this study was age group of 61–70 years (30%), followed by age group of 51–60 years (23%). Mean age of study patients was 54.6 ± 12.8 years. Male patients (65%) were more than female patients (35%). According to clinical presentation most common symptom was loose stools (100%), followed by fever (78%) and vomiting (70%). Other complaints were shortness of breath (20%) and altered sensorium (16%). AKI was staged for severity according to the KDIGO criteria. At the time of diagnosis most patients were in stage 1 (58%), while 31% and 11% were in stage 2 and 3 respectively. Conclusion: Acute kidney injury in patients with acute gastroenteritis had good prognosis if detected earlier. Early recognition of AKI is essential to ensure prompt and appropriate management, and to avoid progression to deadlier stages of the disease.

60. An Epidemiological Study to Determine the Risk Factors Predictive of Hearing Impairment in These Newborns
Manisha Kumari, Ravindra Kumar, Jayant Prakash
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of hearing loss using measurements of otoacoustic emission (OAE) in newborns admitted to NICU and to determine the risk factors predictive of hearing impairment in these newborns. Methods: This was a hospital-based prospective observational study carried out among the neonates admitted to NICU, IGIMS, Patna, Bihar, India. Parents or guardians were counseled regarding the OAE screening test. A total of 200 neonates were included. Results: Out of a total of 200 study participants, there were 34 (17%) patients who were referred after the initial screening. Out of which there were 24 (12%) patients who had hearing loss at 4 weeks after rescreening. In the present study among the total participants (200), the majority were males. A majority of the participants had a weight range between 1.5 to 2.0 kg, followed by 1.0 to 1.5 kg. Out of all the participants, 110 (55%) had a normal vaginal delivery, and 90 (45%) had LSCS. Among the newborns, 50 (25%) had a history of assisted ventilation, and 10 (5%) of them had hearing loss. Additionally, 50 newborns (25%) had a history of ototoxic medications, and 10 (5%) of them had hearing loss. Out of 14 (7%) patients who had a history of neonatal jaundice requiring exchange transfusion, 4 (2%) had hearing loss. Conclusion: According to our study, the rate of hearing problems among high-risk newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) was 12%. We found preterm and low birth weight babies, perinatal asphyxia, culture-positive sepsis, and male gender as risk factors for hearing loss in the newborn period. It’s the need of the hour to address these risk factors in preventing hearing impairment among neonates admitted to NICU and Successful implementation of universal newborn hearing screening should be the goal of every nation. It is important to establish good practices and promote teamwork among healthcare professionals in order to prevent risk factors that may cause hearing loss.

61. Management and Assessment of Pain Sensitivity and Functional Outcome in Patients of Early Osteoarthritis Knee: A Comparative Study
Sanjeet Kumar, Rajeev Kumar Rajak
Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess compare the pain sensitivity and functional outcome in patients of early osteoarthritis knee when treated with intra-articular steroids versus intra-articular hyaluronic acid. Methods: This study was conducted at Department of Orthopaedics, Government Medical College West Champaran, Bettiah, Bihar, India to analyze the pain sensitivity and functional outcome in patients of early osteoarthritis knee when treated with intra-articular steroids versus intra-articular hyaluronic acid using VAS and WOMAC scoring system for the period of 2 years. A total of 100 patients were included in the study of which 50 patients were given intra-articular steroid injection and 50 patients were given hyaluronic acid. Results: A major number of patients in steroid Group were in the age group 60 – 65 years i.e. 58%. On the other hand, 50% of patients in H.A. group were in the age group 60 – 65 years. In steroid group, male population accounted for 40% and female was 60%. In HA group, male population accounted for 48% and female was 52%. In steroid Group, 24 patients (48%) that were given treatment were right side as compared to 10 patients (20%) on left side while 16 where bi- lateral (32%). The mean Pre procedure VAS Score in steroid Group was 8.412 which had reduced to 6.8245 by the end of one year. The mean Pre procedure VAS Score in H.A. Group was 8.322 which had reduced to 5.110 by the end of one year. The mean Pre procedure WOMAC Score in steroid Group was 84.5516 which had reduced to 77.7715 by the end of one year. The mean Pre procedure WOMAC Score in H.A. Group was 85.814 which had reduced to 58.8236 by the end of one year. Conclusion:  In conclusion, our study showed that the Pain sensitivity and functional outcome of Intra articular therapy performed via H.A. group are similar till three months in comparison to Steroid group.

62. Outcome Assessment of Hybrid External Fixator used to Manage Compound Extra Articular Tibial Pilon Fractures
Chandan Kumar Jha
Aim: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the hybrid external fixation can be used as a definitive treatment modality in the management of compound distal tibial extra articular pilon fractures of the adults in emergency. Methods: This study includes all the patients who were managed with hybrid external fixator of compound extra articular tibial pilon fractures in the Department of Orthopedics Madhubani Medical College and Hospital, Madhubani, Bihar, India for one  year were included in the present study. A total of 20 patients were included in the study, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The age of the patients ranged from 26-67 years with the fracture being most common in the age group of 30 to 40 years and an average age of 48.4 years. Out of 20 patients, 15 (75%) patients were males and 5 (25%) patients were females showing male preponderance because of traveling and working in fields and factories. At the end of 6 months, out of 20 patients treated, 8 (40%) patients had excellent outcome, 9 (45%) had good results, 2 (10%) had fair outcome and 1 (5%) patient had a poor result as per objective examination. On subjective evaluation, out of 20 patients treated, 9 (45%) patients had excellent outcome, 9 (45%) had good results, 1 (5%) had fair outcome and 1 (5%) patient had a poor outcome. Post- operative complications included pin site infection which were managed with culture sensitivity and appropriate antibiotics, ankle stiffness, anterior angulation and valgus malunion. Conclusion: The study showed that it is possible to achieve a satisfactory outcome in compound extra articular tibial pilon fractures with the hybrid fixator technique. It provided adequate stability and allows early motion and ambulation. The fractures were treated immediately after the injury, regardless of soft-tissue damage. This method limits further damage to the already compromised soft tissue.

63. A Hospital-Based Study Assessing the Role use of Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography for Diagnosing Microbial Keratitis
Eshwari Patel, Manoj Kumar, Nageshwar Sharma
Aim: Evaluating the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography for diagnosing microbial keratitis. Materials and Methods: The present study is a retrospective study was conducted in the department of Ophthalmology, Patna medical college and hospital, Patna, Bihar, India for eight months.  Patients with clinically diagnosed microbial keratitis seeking treatment were recruited. Children below 12 years and recruited patients lost to follow up were excluded from the study. Finally, 17 patients were analyzed. A complete ophthalmic history was taken and slit lamp examination including examination of the conjunctiva, tear film, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens and anterior vitreous was done. Anterior segment imaging was carried out by a commercially available OCT device, the Cirrus HD-OCT (Model 500) by Carl Zeiss Meditech. Inc. (Dublin, CA). AS-OCT and slit-lamp examination were carried out on presentation (day 0) and, subsequently on days 3, 7, 14, 28 and 6 weeks of treatment. All patients underwent treatment based on clinical findings. Results:  The corneal thickness (CT) on presentation ranged from 444-954 µm with a mean of 710.88 µm. Infiltrate thickness (IT) ranged from 112-443 µm with a mean of 288.76 µm. The overall CT in the infiltrated area on day 0 had a mean value of 710.88 µm. On days 3, 7, 14, 28 and 6 weeks mean CT had decreased to 665.12 µm, 650.24 µm, 584.35 µm, 549 µm, 507.47 µm respectively. IT on presentation had a mean value of 288.76 µm. On days 3, 7, 14, 28 and 6 weeks mean IT was 287.24 µm, 244.41 µm, 197 µm, 174.59 µm and 154.82 µm respectively. Serial AS-OCT imaging and change in CT and IT of a representative case, on treatment. Both parameters decreased as the corneal edema and inflammation subsided clinically. CT showed a statistically significant decrease in the early (day 0-7), middle (day 7-14), and late phase (day 14-6 weeks) of treatment with daily change of 3.65% (p=0.023), 1.4% (p=0.0319) and 0.47% (p<0.0001) respectively. IT decreased at a daily rate of 2.24% (p=0.0267) in the middle phase and 0.38% (p<0.0001) in the late phase. The overall decrease in CT and IT over the course of treatment was found to be statistically significant with an average percentage reduction at 0.67% per day (p<0.0001) and 1.01% per day (p<0.0001). Conclusion: This study involved both quantitative and qualitative analysis of resolving microbial keratitis. With treatment, both CT and IT showed a significant decrease. This correlated well with the slit lamp examination which showed a decrease in acute inflammatory signs such as conjunctival congestion, corneal infiltration and hypopyon height. Thus, serial scans helped to evaluate the response to treatment. Secondly, certain histological patterns were seen on AS-OCT which cannot be seen on slit lamp such as stromal thinning, cystic spaces, microcystic edema.

64. The Silent Signals: Unveiling Prognostic Whispers in Neutrophil and Platelet Ratios
Obaid Noman, Nandkishoe Bankar
A novel strain of coronavirus was identified In December of 2019, in Wuhan, China, leading to what is now known as the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus disease 2019 referred to as (COVID-19) has emerged as a pandemic from the novel coronavirus, now known as referred as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). SARS-CoV-2 differs significantly from other  previously known coronaviruses that are known to b spree prevalent  in human beings causing minor symptoms like common cold. COVID-19 is an severe acute respiratory tract infectious disease which is commonly transmitted through the respiratory route.

65. Study of Maternal and Fetal Outcome in HIV Positive Women in a Tertiary Care Centre
Bala Harshitha Sivatej, Chinta Arunajyothi, Niharika B., R. Swetha
HIV/AIDS infection is one of the most important causes for maternal and perinatal morbidity/mortality worldwide, also known as Slim disease caused by retrovirus. Mother to child transmission risk increased by PROM, repeated PV examinations. Use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and safe delivery technique should prevent MTCT. HIV has been associated with spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, perinatal and infant mortality, IUGR, low birth weights and chorioamnionitis.

66. A Questionnaire Based Cross Sectional Study of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices with Regard to Generic Drugs and Generic Substitution in Interns and Post Graduates in Medical Colleges in & Around Visakhapatnam
D. Annapurna, Barla Ajaykumar, P. Satya Teja, P. Ramu
Introduction: Health care costs are rising day by day for which cost of medicines also contributing significantly. Cost of medicines can be reduced by enabling generic drugs to enter the market as they are 30%–80% cheaper than brand drugs. The present study was conducted to evaluate level of awareness, attitude and practices regarding the generic drugs in Interns and Pgs as they are the future practitioners & should have enough knowledge and should be able to educate their patients and clear any doubts about generic drugs . The acquired results of this study will give an overview. Conducting CME programmes to overcome identified knowledge gaps will help in increasing generic prescriptions and decrease prescription costs. Materials and Methods: A Cross Sectional Questionnaire based KAP Study, was conducted in Interns and postgraduates in medical colleges, in and around Visakhapatnam. Prior permission taken from the IEC, KGH, Visakhapatnam, for the conduct of the study. A structured questionnaire in Google forms distributed through what’s App groups. Total 202 completed responses with consent were received and were analyzed by using Microsoft Excel. Data summarized by routine descriptive statistics, and frequency distribution of responses calculated. Results and Discussion: Most of the Interns and PGs were aware of generic drugs and generic substitution and they have positive attitude towards them. Few knowledge gaps were identified in the areas of requirement of pre-clinical and clinical testing, risks associated with generic substitution in case of drugs with low therapeutic index, drug patents, “Jan Aushadhi” campaign. Conclusion: Conducting CMEs, Quality assurance of both brand and generic drugs and post-marketing surveillance improve prescription of generic drugs.

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