International Journal of

Toxicological and Pharmacological Research

e-ISSN: 0975 5160

p-ISSN: 2820-2651

Peer Review Journal


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1. Biological Potential of Nepeta distans Belonging to Family Labiatae.
Javid Hussain, Najeeb Ur Rehman, Farman Ullah Khan, Ihsan Ullah Khan, Yar Muhammad Khan, Syed Badshah, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary
The aim of this study was to assayed the biologically active fractions of Nepeta distans against platelet aggregation, antiglycation, cytotoxicity (brine shrimp lethality), Phytotoxicity, antibacterial and antifungal. Both the fractions derived from the aerial parts of Nepeta distans were screened for various in vitro biological activities. Chloroform as well as hexane fractions inhibited AA-induced and PAF-induced platelet aggregation in a dose dependent fashion. Both the fractions were also found to possess excellent phytotoxicity against Lemna minor L. These fractions did not display any significant brine shrimp lethality, insecticidal, antibacterial and antiglycation activities. However, chloroform fraction showed low antibacterial activity against S. typhi.

Impact Factor: 2.041

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